Grimm MU2 Experience

I have ordered a Grimm MU2 and was wondering whether an owner out there could share there experience with the unit and what to expect with break-in?


Thanks very much for your feedback.  My unit is scheduled to ship from the Netherlands early next week.  I must say that I am excited but nervous at the same time.  I did hear the unit briefly at Axpona, but it was really difficult to draw any meaningful conclusions.  I will say that it sounds different and it may take some getting used to.  I have heard some stories from users about some break in being over 300 hours.  Others have said that after about a week it really starts sounding like it is getting there.  What has been your experience with break-in?

I’ve had my MU2 for about 3 weeks. All I can say it’s the best digital that I’ve personally owned and I’ve had quite a few top performers including Lampy, Dave/Mscaler, Bricasti, Innuos, Spectral CDP. All the industry reviews are pretty accurate… can listen for hour after hour without any listener fatigue ( which I’m sensitive to) and not question what your rig is doing right or wrong…….you just become engaged with the music.

Doesn't appear to be much available about break-in and what to expect.  Another forum which starts with What's had a thread which mentions rather extended break-in with it.

There is another forum that starts with audio and ends with style that has an extensive thread on the Grimm.