Green Mountain Audio

I picked up a set of Diamante's for cheap. They have trashed foam surrounds but otherwise seem fine. I plan on veneering the "marble" with a beautiful teak or rosewood- I haven't decided.The angles will look pretty cool with the right veneer. The marble is not so cool but rigid and heavy. 

Curious if some upgraded drivers would improve the sound- as apposed to re-foaming. I realize this is a shot in the dark but my understanding is Roy from GMA has passed so not sure where to get driver advice. Open to any and all suggestions.


Nope. I have 1 veneered. It got pretty frosty and my barn isn’t heated. I also got distracted with a zillion other things. I am committed to completing. I do appreciate your continued curiosity. 

Make sure you upgrade those crossovers in there as they were using quite basic and cheap circuits to save money. You might need to use an active crossover


Make sure you upgrade those crossovers in there as they were using quite basic and cheap circuits to save money. 

Muy importante ....

Before you consider changing anything in the crossover, decide if you like them the way they sound. The crossovers are simple looking because they were first order and will have a minimum number of parts. Messing with the crossover could make matters significantly worse. 

Indeed, life has a knack for interrupting the fun things we'd like to do.

Perhaps when it warms up this Spring, you can continue...



As a previous owner of GMA speakers I would suggest you finish your cosmetic work and then spend some time listening before messing with the crossovers.  While yes to a point Roy had to parts source to a price point he also parts sourced to a voicing he thought was correct for his designs.  Following the advice of Kenjit and others and making wholesale changes and upgrades may result in nothing more than an unlistenable speaker with premium parts.  I would trust Roy's judgement over the "self appointed" experts. But feel free to trust whoever you choose.  


i won’t do anything beyond the veneering and surrounds until I listen for a bit. I will look things over on the cover to make sure no leaking caps but otherwise no immediate changes.  I have a decent number of high end caps in my tool box so at some point I might tinker but I would make sure the existing unites were mapped and saved for reinsertion. 

What I would love to do but won’t, is cut the top 4 inches of the speaker off, the obelisk, and make it flat. Veneering those is an absolute bear. I had every finger bandaged from razor cuts on the first one. The reason I didn’t start the second was I am rethinking the process to possibly find an easier but aesthetically attractive approach. 

And if anyone else is considering veneering over cultured marble with a variety of angles……… I wouldn’t recommend it. I have found a successful process, but it is a pain. I intentionally have let them set for a few months to see if the adherence is stable. Even the speaker cut-outs have no wiggle room so after veneering them I had to slightly turn down the holding rings by 1/32”

Carpathian, if you are curious, I probably would not have been as eager to restore had I even passingly considered  the issues I would be facing. But now that I am in… no quitting.