Grant Green's version of 'Round About Midnight

For the last five years or so, Grant Green's version of 'Round About Midnight has been one of my favorite tracks. Ror general enjoyment or auditioning, on vinyl or cd (now on my server!) it still represents, for me, a truly intimate and well-recorded version of an oft-recorded classic. If you're a fan of jazz guitar, go get it now--seriously!

If you already know it and love it, I'd be curious to hear what other cuts (by any other jazz guitarists) you think also have this special combination of wonderful musicianship, producing/engineering, and intimacy. I guess there's something about the slightly melancholy sound of this track that has me entranced!
I like Wes Montgomery's version even better. "The Wes Montgomery Trio", recorded in 1959 is the one. Since that one might be hard to find, I'll consider the one by Grant to be a tossup.
Kenny Burell recorded an album called 'Round Midnight',you
will probably like his version too.
I listened to "Round About Midnight" by Wes Montgomery and the Montgomery Brothers on vinyl and I can't decide which one I like best.
There are any number of Charlie Christian compilations. Pick one with his version of "Stardust" and "Swing to the Bop".

Oscar Moore was the guitarist in the Nat King Cole Trio. Although he is not that well known, his work is very impressive.

Danny Gatton played what he called "redneck jazz". He did make a true jazz recording, ""New York Stories Vol. 1". It's a hard bop jam session with Bobby Watson, Joshua Redman and Roy Hargrove.

One of the great jazz fusion album of the late '60s was Herbie Mann's ""Memphis Underground". It features both Larry Coryell and Sonny Sharrock along with the Muscle Shoal's studio house band. I particularly like their versions of "Hold On I'm Comin'" and "Chain of Fools".
In my opinion, Grant Green is the most consistant of all jazz artists. I could listen to him all night.
I think Mark Whitfield has been sadly overlooked since he started recording around 1990 or so. His album The Marksman is superb. Burrell, Benson(pre-Breezin') and Green all rolled into one.
Check out Grant Greens Best of and Idle Moments as well. Both quite good for GG depending whether you want to go shallow or deep into his stuff.

Burrell is awesome on pretty much anything he hsa done from solo, trio stuff to the great Ellingtonia sets. His work wtiht both Coltrane and Grover Washington were real enjoyable. Midnight Blue is a great classic. Live at the Vanguard is great for a live trio guitar gig with a mix of blues, jazz and a little latin.

Frisell is interesting. I like Nashville, East West, Good Dog Happy Man, Futher East-West,Frisell & Hirsch, The Intercontnentals.
Larry Coryell-Minor Bluse, Trio with Round Midnight and Shes Leaving Hom...cant remeber the name.

Thanks for the heads up on Rosenberg Trio, I'll chase that down with Grant Green. The problem with recommending a Frisell record is that they vary so much. I like so many, but they are different. "Good Dog" is easy to like and the recent "Best Of" covers a lot of his country and pop-flavored stuff. "Gone Like A Train" is also first rate.

As to Django:

Not only is the recording quality iffy, but half the time I want to strangle Stephane Grappelli. In the end, who gives a crap? - The guy was born to play a guitar.

BTW, Danny Gatton had very odd taste, but -IMHO- he may be the greatest electric guitar player ever to come down the pike. To be sure, there are other worthy candidates, but you should hear "Harlem Nocturne" before you make the call.
It's on "Green Street" which is a stellar album over all.

I just got Kenny Burrel and John Coltrane on Vinyl (had it on CD, but lost it). Also very good.
Thanks everyone for chiming in. I'm more a hard-bop guy myself, so it's nice to get some recommendations outside my general arena.

I love Django, but the recording quality is obviously a little iffy--still a guitarist I listen to weekly. If you like Django you should check out the Rosenberg Trio, sepcifically "Live at the North Sea Jazz Festival"--KILLER!

Kenny Burrell is an obvious go-to for me, and "Midnight Blue" is probably my favorite right now in terms of music and sonics. It's recorded in Mono, which is a bit of a bummer, but even so it's great. Also, Wes Montgomery live at Ronny Scotts.

Bill Frisell is a fantastic musician, but I find some of his stuff a bit too hybridized for me. Thenagain, I haven't listened to a ton of his stuff so I'll grab some--any specific albums or tracks?
Don't know Grant Green or his take on "Round Midnight, but I will check it out.

Danny Gatton was all over the place, but his take on "Harlem Nocturne" is just about my favorite guitar piece of any genre. Bill Frisell hybridizes Jazz guitar with a little bit of everything, but he's my go-to jazz player of the moment. He does a great take on John Hiatt's "Have a Little Faith In Me" that's been in heavy rotation of late.


PS You can't go wrong with Django.
There's a ton great stuff out there so you should get a lot of posts.

-Ad Infinitum from The Denison Kimball Trio / Soul Machine disc has a palpable room presence and a mood similar to Round About Midnight, (most of the disc is a lot different).

-Treats Style / Larry Coryell from Lady Coryell, a great simple, impossible to forget composition. Has beautiful Gibson L5 comping and some of Bernard Purdie's most buoyant playing on it.

-Good Bye Pork Pie Hat / John McLaughlin from My Goals Beyond, nice serene acoustic version of the Mingus classic. Follow Your Heart from this one is good too, (A cover of this tune by the Outsidemen sounds a little richer and is plugged in).

-Ornen / Terje Rypdal from Chaser, doesn't sound much like Grant Green, but is a great ECM recoring and this composition hits you w/ the "saddest of all keys" as Nigel Tufnel would say.
Every time I hear the name Grant Green. I also think of Ronnie Earl. Ronnie is another great guitarist. I don't think he does a version of this song,but Ronnie is in the same league as Grant.