GR Research Upgrades

Has anyone here had their speakers upgraded at GR and if so, did you hear any significant sonic improvement afterwards?

I was considering sending in a KEF R 11 for them to take a look at and see what recommendations they may offer.

Just the thought of the shipping a speaker to them sends shivers down my spine as I have had one speaker severely damaged during a cross country trek in the past.   

After their analysis, the speaker is then shipped back with all the new part and you do all the modifications yourself, (to both speakers).

Is it worth the risk?
Awesome arch2, this just the kind of feedback I was looking for. Much appreciated!
I’ve had two pair of speakers modified by Danny. Neither were terribly expensive speakers to begin with but they sounded really good, measured pretty well, and were well made (to a price point) and that tends to be the reason many send their speakers to Danny. Not to take crap and make it good, but to take really good and make it better. Many speaker manufacturers just flat out skimp on the parts quality buried inside the speaker. Danny offers a relatively inexpensive way to really increase the parts quality and in some cases completely redesign the crossovers for better performance. In my case after Danny’s mods the resolution increased and maybe a tad smoother as well. Bass performance wasn’t really affected because my cabinets were quite inert to begin with but he offers norez to help with singing cabinets. Danny sneezes out more speaker knowledge than I will ever pretend to know. Great guy too.
I've seen his crossover mods for Klipsch, look like he's on right track here, although I use better capacitors than he uses in my extreme modded Klipshcorns. I do think he'll work with customer and use parts they specify.
knotscott - agreed.

mwatsme - nice sub, thanks

oldhvymec - Always value and respect your advice and opinions.
Thank you!
I haven't purchased anything nor had any GR upgrades, but what he says makes good sense. Although, I'll admit that I'm not quite sold on the tube connectors.
I do like those Rythmik Audio/GR OB servo-controlled subs, seems like a great application of technology and something I'd be more interested in if they weren't so expensive (per pair). Being the value-conscience hobbyist that I am - instead of spending (think it was going to be $5k plus build and finish), I built a stereo pair of Linkwitz Labs Phoenix OB subs (alt version with Tymphany/Peerless drivers) for $700. Super happy with them. I have had online discussions with Danny, and he turned me on to some great DACs a couple years ago - think it was the Holo May Kitsune edition. Danny seems to be a knowledgeable good guy from my experience.
Well you have a plan, AND shipping now, is expensive. Might as well send them there first. Save the money on the double shipping and LESS time spent overall in shipping lanes.. Lower the odds so to speak.. :-)

He always answered EVERY single Email with me..

I can be a bit of a Terrier when it comes to understanding why I'm spending my money.. He understood VERY well..
He has the patience of Jobe!!

Yep, you're right, everybody loves Danny!
As far as my speaker not doing anything right, I've only heard the speakers in demonstration rooms but I have pre-ordered a set and thought on the way here, I could have them dropped off at Danny's shop and be evaluated. If there was a bunch of "cheese" I would ask him to do up a kit for me. Who knows, maybe they'll be in great shape and need nothing!
Is there something your speaker isn't doing right? OR You just want to see if he can improve it? The question I always ask is there something missing, or sound WRONG?

BUT I haven't changed the type of driver I use for over 30 years NOW.
Small Planars and Ribbons..

I use his double 12" OB servos. Wonderful Subs.. 4-6 drivers..

Danny's a self educated businessman with a GREAT track record and great customer satisfaction and support.. He's a credit to THIS sport for sure.. Easy taking, Easy listening, kind of guy.. Always willing to help..

His cabinet guy is top notch too, just a real professional, easy going bunch of guys, with a TON of business all the time.. They stay busy.

He has a great (non paid) support group too, they love their Danny.. :-)

The Youtube videos of Danny’s work, always seem logical and make sense to me. He takes measurements, listens, plans the mods, then remeasures and compares the results. His mods typically just try to fix what’s not right, and enhance the "cheese" components with premium parts. I have zero personal experience with GRs speakers and mods, but I do read plenty of positives about Danny and GR around the web. You could certainly do worse.
Thanks riley804, I'll check it out, but I was specifically asking the AG's here, as l always value their opinions!
just giving some info that might be of help.     Danny is well known over at AudioCircle , so maybe you could ask this question over there.