Good Ethernet switch

Is there a good ethernet switch out there without having to spend $3500 for a Phoenix Net? I already have the NUS Zenith MK 3 server and Phoenix USB reclocker. I only need 1 output for my digital set.



@alvin1118 For someone without much technical knowledge about power supply tech, can you share anything about the power supply on that LHY Audio 8-port switch you recommended?  Any additional thoughts on why you recommend it?


Here you go sir @gladmo 


This piece may be below your standards but the English Electric switch is getting some attention. I'm thinking about getting one for myself,


@alvin1118 For someone without much technical knowledge about power supply tech, can you share anything about the power supply on that LHY Audio 8-port switch you recommended?  Any additional thoughts on why you recommend it?

Can rfi/emi/electrical noise affect an analog signal transmitted over a cable?

A smattering of recent past forum posts on AGON that are worthy to revisit before buying boutique audiophile recommended switch options, and network tech expert opinions therein.

Network Switches

Here are a few...
Melco S100 (just announced) ... eet_v3.pdf
SOtM sNH - 10G ... m/snh-10g/
The Linear Solution Reference Audio Switch
Feel free to add others...."

re: buying boutique audiophile network switches pushed on audio forums

Ethernet Source
" ... No, I have not, nor will I ever. Having been a network technician for over 30 years I know that a network switch’s job is to faithfully receive packets and transmit them to their intended target. If it doesn’t do that it will be replaced as defective. Implying that these devices can color audio signals is patently ridiculous, but I knew at some point some one would try it and some one would buy it...."


Thanks to everyone for your replies! Probably best to wait and get the Phoenix. I’m about to get a really good phono set that will press the issue for the network switch.

“I would personally complete the trio and get the PhoenixNet.”

+1, @thyname

Couple of more alternatives that are competing favorably against PhoenixNet,

Network Acoustics Rubicon switch at $2400.

SOtM sNH-10G High-End Audio Switch Hub at $1700

Keep in mind, most switches performs best with external LPS and high quality DC cable. That’s one less thing you don’t need to worry with PhoenixNET.

Post removed 

Since you already have two Innuos pieces, I would personally complete the trio and get the PhoenixNet.


If you want to save some money:

Prices are in Hong Kong dollars 

I have been hearing some very positive feedback from many Phoenix Net switch owners though. I wish it was a little more affordable also.