In general, you get what you pay for. With $2K you should be able to extend your reach by buying used. For instance a used Rega 6. If by this means you can get into or near the $5K range new, you are going to be getting a far superior table. These are low end audiophile tables. They have been carefully crafted with components of very high quality and with great care. These tables, in general… not just any, you need to do your research, will be much quieter, more dynamic and stable than something anywhere near the $1 - $2K range.
You might go back to Stereophile and The Absolute Sound five years and find tables in the $4K to $5K range. Then locate a used one from a reputable dealer like Echo. I personally would not buy a used table from an individual I did not know. A good dealer with used tables will go over them and make sure they perform to their potential.