Godfather of soul is gone.

James Brown, the Godfather of soul has died.


Rest in peace James.
Rest your funky bad self in peace brother. (I tried starting this thread before Sherod's got put up, but it never appeared so he must've beat me to the punch submitting it.) In my opinion JB ranks among the top handful of the most transformational popular music artists of the 20th century. There never has been and never will be another the likes of James Brown!
Oregon: you can see quite a bit of vintage James footage at Youtube.com. Also take a look at this website:

I'd like to see some Footage of the Godfather. Could you or any one else out there recommend anything?
Please, please, please...don't go!!!!!!!!
I saw James in concert several times in my youth at the old Sports Arena in Toledo OH. He always put on one helluva show. His band was "tight" and "sharp". Some of his live performances are legendary and his moves were speedy, powerful and untouchable. His legs were extremely strong and he was in incredible physical condition. (routinely lost several pounds during a show) He was one of the strongest, and most muscular dancers you will ever see and this was a large part of why others in r&b could not do his moves. He was one of a kind. In his later years his dancing and performances had detiorated, but if you see the old footage of him from shows like the "TAMI" show, mentioned by Sting (the Police) in the song "When The World Is Running Down You Make The Best Of What's Still Around" you can see why he is one of the greatest performers of all time. His death brought some sadness on an otherwise loveely Christmas day.
Rest in Peace James, you will never be replaced!
ray charles,james brown.those are some huge shoes to fill,rip james...thanks for all.
Wherever he is I don't think he'll be resting. Those feet just can't keep stiil.
saw james brown and the mothers of invention on the same bill...an unforgetable night.
I'm suppose to see him in concert in Jan 5, 2007 here in Canada... R.I.P. Mr. King of Soul.

I was in a BB King concert a few months ago in Fallsview Casino in The Fall...He was truly the KING of BLUE ! He was 81 years old. He was sitting in a small chair during the performance and looks very weak. Please go to see him if you have the chance. I don't he will last forever.

I have a chance to see Shirley Horn here in Toronto about 6 years ago but I didn't go and now I regret it very much.
He'll be missed by me, he was an entertainer!

I saw Dreamgirls today, The Godfather was still living strong in Eddie Murphy.

Never saw a horn section work so hard when playing for Godfather. They needed reinforcements to keep up with him.
Thanks James!
Even with all of the troubles surrounded him, people will remember mostly the music he leaves behind - with it he lives on.