Give Up on Bacch?

I have sitting next to me a little suitcase with the Bacch4Mac hardware.  Implementation is scheduled for Monday, next week but I may return it before then.  I thought I would seek advice before pulling the trigger.  Theoretica gives one 14 days from shipping to return for a refund less a $200 restocking fee.  The 14 days is up Monday.  Why the cold feet?  First, I will not have the opportunity to listen to the Bacch system in my home before the return period expires.  Second, I was underwhelmed at the Theoretica room demo at Axpona.  Third, I have a modded Peachtree Gan1 that requires a coax input.  I will have to spend an additional $1000 to get that capability with the Bacch system.  Fourth, at Axpona the sweetspot was narrow  and impractical (2 seats, one behind the other).

It will cost me a $200 restocking fee and shipping to return the Bacch system.  I hate to do that, not because of the cost, but because I won't have the opportunity to hear it in my home.  What do you think?

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Showing 1 response by mahler123

It’s hard to advise because the finance is part of the equation.  If you are Jeff Bezos than you won’t notice the $200.  If you are like the rest of us then the dilemma of being out the $200 versus the total cost for a component that you may have lingering doubts about is a real one.

  I would keep it and give it a year.  Odds are that it’s well made and will provide a lot of satisfaction.  It’s possible that if it doesn’t quite get there for you, they might do a software update sometime that might change something for the better