Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?

Any one else out there using these Gabriel Gold IC's?
I need to know if it is me or if anyone else finds them as good as me.
I bought a pair on auction a while back and compared them to my Stealth cables.
After about a week of going back and forth I found the Gabriel Golds to have bettered my Stealths and bought more.
Is it me?
Just wondering what some other folks who bought them think of them.
Thanks for the input.

Great write up.

Sounds as if you have been cought up like the rest of us Rapture owners.
Here's my take on the Gabriel Gold interconnects as they performed in the context of my system. I listened mostly to female vocals but also just about every other genre to get a feel for these cables. I'd be happy to provide specifics but omitted these to keep this brief. My first GG cable was the revelation mk 2 and I stated my listening impressions of this wonderful cable in a post above. I was using the revelation (rev mk 2) on my ARC CD-2 and a short Signal Cable silver resolution from pre to amp. I won't repeat all my comments on the rev mk 2 except to say it was like looking through clean glass. If the rev mk 2 is like looking through clean glass, then the Rapture is like looking through clean air. It is incredibly clear and revealing with a lower perceived noise floor than the revelation and this cable is fast- allowing music to start and stop, to attack and decay as it naturally would if it were live. However, there is a caveat. And this is the reason why I took longer to post my impressions because I was frantically swapping power cords, conditioners, CD players, and interconnects. I could not use the Rapture on my CD-2 as it ruthlessly revealed a slight grain in the upper mids especially apparent in female vocals. I tried a meridian player and the grain went away but the sound was warm and lifeless so I went back to the CD-2. Aside from this, the Rapture beat the rev mk 2 in every way. Clarity, clarity, clarity, and a deep articulate low end that I didn't even know my system was capable of. This cable breathes. I find it interesting that the rev mk 2 was able to hide what I presume are well-hidden digital nasties from the CD-2 but the Rapture revealed these warts so easily. However, with the rev mk 2 on my CD-2 and the rapture on my pre the sound was the best balanced, most clear, most musically involving I've ever experienced from my system. You know things are right when you start listening to very familiar CD's at a volume a significantly louder than you normally listen. I could have easily returned the rapture and got another rev mk 2 (and steve would have gladly done this for me) but recognizing the strengths of the rapture wire, and the weaknesses of my digital front end, and knowing that at some point I will likely move to a server-(tube?)dac combination I decided to keep the Rapture. Next to the Rapture, the revelation mk 2 is still an outstanding cable but if you feel you've assembled a state of the art system, you owe it to yourself to try the Gabriel Gold Rapture.
Jc4659-I've experienced the full spectrum of the Gabriel Gold cables and have heard every incarnation.The Rapture reveals every little nuance and detail as if the music was being played live and not coming from a speaker.
I've owned the "big dollar" Stealth,Siltech and others and nothing could match the gg's when it came to music replication.What you own and what you play is what you'll hear like nothing else out there.
Sorry for the delay folks. I have been experimenting with a variety of power cords and cables in order to determine the best overall combination. System synergy is so underappreciated. I need more time to evaluate the cables since I find that after a certain amount of time changing things around I begin to second guess myself. Overall, the Rapure is the best cable I've had in my system but to be honest I have not auditioned many in the same league as the Rapture. Among other things the Rapture does well, it passes very low frequencies like no tomorrow, and with great control. More to follow...
Speaking of auditions whatever happen to that GG Rapture/Tara Labs Zero showdown Glory.
Did the Tara win as I see you have a Rapture for sale.

When I first installed the GG Rev./Rapture in my systeam I was mad as .... because the wire I was using was a $3000.00 retail price ( Audio Note/Kondo ) cable that was not even in the same ball park as the Rapture.
Expect to receive it in 2 days. I'll need to burn it in a bit but as always I'll sneak a listen approximately 10 nanoseconds after I get it plugged in :-)

Not sure what the Rapture will do to me but my wife thinks I should be "caught up and taken away" for being in this expensive hobby.

I will share my thoughts on the Rapture wire probably by the weekend. Best- Joe

Any news on the Rapture wire??

I know, you have been cought up and taken away....
Most I've ever spent on cables. Really liked the rev mk2's but I was intrigued by the comments about the raptures. Can they be that much better? I'll let you know...
I pulled the trigger and am waiting for my raptures to be delivered. All I can say is that they better DELIVER ME!
Budget! also means WAF .Glad I don't have to sneak those boxes in and out anymore(just kidding)
The Raptures are the ticket just cost a little more to get better seats at the show.
always have to work within the budget jc. As you know the mk 2 is a very special cable especially when compared with the higher priced stuff out there.Glory is right the rapture is much better but even the original Revs have replaced some "big time" cables .I was using a highly regarded cable that has an incredible amount of discussion here on agon and found the revs to be on par with. I find the mk2s to be better yet.If you can swing a pair of rev mk 2s go for it.If your first pair worked well than a second pair may even add more.You can probably trade up in the future anyway.
I disagree.

Forget the MK2 and go Rapture all the way.

Why monkey around with the MK2 when, in a few days, you will write in about wanting to switch to all Raptures.

Rapture is a Koine Greek word meaning "cought up" and "taken away".

So you see if you want to be cought up and taken away by the music you must get all Raptures LOL. =8^)

jc,i agree with bobf use the Rapture from the source to pre
and the mk 2 from pre-to-amp
Thanks for the suggestion, Bob. Apparently another Rapture owner has 2 raptures he doesn't need and I would have considered these except that they are RCA and I need XLR. You're probably right about the rev mk 2's sounding so good in my system that I'm sure I could be happy with another one. -Joe
jc I suggest putting the Rapture from source to pre should you go with a Rapture.
When I started the process of converting from the original Revelation to the Rapture the first Rapture I got was installed from my source to pre.
As noted in the thread I eventually went all Rapture.
Each additional cable added exceeded my expectations and expanded on the Raptures strengths.
The Rev MK is also a great cable and is definately superior to the original Revelation in every area so even if you go with another Revelation MK 2 I believe you will be extremely pleased with the results
good luck
Yes, the source, although the pre to amp interconnect is very important as well. I like the old saying, " A chain is only as strong as its weakest link". (O:
I did it. Now my pre and CD are both within 1 meter of each other. Now, rapture or rev mk 2 and where should the better cable be placed if I do get a rapture, at the source?
JC, no I did not. I am not even certain they were available at that time.
jc-isn't it fun when you find a cable/speakers that transforms your system and then makes you want to reconstruct your room to gain greater benefits.
been there!
Sorry that this thread is getting off the original topic of the gabriel golds but in a sense it is still related. My extreme satisfaction with the GG rev mk2 IC from CD to pre has led me to consider placing all my components close to my amp so that I could run a much shorter cable, perhaps another rev mk2, from pre to amp. I wonder whether I need to be that much concerned about the quality of the racks being that my listening room is part of a finished basement where carpet piercing spikes contact the cement floor. My zoethecus has points, seems very sturdy, and the 5 z slabs with their constrained layer damping and mass are way better than mdf or plywood. TBG did you use the z slabs with your old zoethecus?
Jc, long ago when I had the big Avantgarde Trios, I had to move my equipment to a side wall with only the amp or amps between the speakers. This entailed a 14' long pair of ics to run between the line stage and the amp. Then Synergistic Research ARTs, which were at the first reflection point behind my source components on the left side. At Ted Denning's suggestion, I moved the sources between the speakers, but I did keep the equipment low.
This meant that I could no longer have multiple Manas under each rack. I now have at least eight in my storage room.

Even without the ARTs, the sound is much improved, and with the ARTS, it is very good-the best I have had.

I am using the Mana stands plus three Halcyonics. Tom has tempted me to try the Sistrums and several others the Stillpoints. Right now I think I will do neither.

I should also note that long ago I tried the Zoethecus. The Manas were superior.
Out of desperation and in an attempt to save some mony, I actually thought about cutting my 5 shelf zoe into a 3 shelf and 2 shelf system to flank my amp. This would leave 4 unfinished "caps "on the posts which could be sanded and polyurethaned. Might work. I like the idea of the sistrum racks, 3 point support and lets the equipment breathe. Does your set-up get in the way at all in terms of center stage imaging and depth? Years ago, the prevailing attitude was that nothing should be placed between your speakers especially a big TV (and I'm not talking about the effects of speaker magnets here).

Go to the pics on my system and see the two SP-101's stacked together. This may work for you to get your gear closer together.

The 5M SC is killing you and the sound of your system. Run all Rev. MK2 wire and be happy for the rest of your life.
You certainly have me reconsidering changing things around to accomodate running a shorter IC between amp and pre. While this solves that problem it creates a few more. I'd need to relocate my phono pre, TT, and dvd player to be close to my main pre too (additional shelving needed for these). And the stands would need to be low enough so as to not block the view of the projection screen on the wall behind the speakers. Then I'd have to sell the Zoethecus, probably locally. The other option is to keep the zoethecus, move all components including my amp to the side wall and have nothing between my speakers. But this would mean I'd need to sell my AQ everest speaker cables and replace them with something longer and no doubt costly too. If money was no object, this would all be so easy! I'm actually leaning towards placing everything on 2 new stands that flank my VT-200. There's adequate space for this set-up. The sistrum stands look interesting though. Thanks for the suggestions.

The SP-101 is superior to the SP-1, so says Robert at SS. I have found this to be true in my system. It is as good as the HRS M3. I have 4-101's & 2-1's.


Do I hear an amen?


I canned the Zero thing. Unless the gent is willing to send me his $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ (14) GMAB Zero then I am at his mercy.

I did send the Rapture to a friend to hear and he is running JPS Labs Alluminata. I will get to hear his wire in my system. I will report back and forward his E-mail reaponse for all to read.

I did a comparison between the Sp101 and the Sp1..I thought the Sp1 maybe better because of its lower mass and what I thought would be greater reactivity. I can say in my system that the Sp101 sounded better. I used an Audio Research tube amp for this test..weighed in at about 45 lbs. The 101 gave the ARC greater articulation and a slightly more focused stage. Tom
Glory, I think even Sistrum says that the SP-1 is superior to the SP-101.
Buy a Sistrum SP-101 ($400.00) or a Sistrum SP-1 ($250.00) and place it next to the amp. The Sistrum stand will beat the living snot out of the stand you have your CDP on.

It looks like you have power on the back wall by the amp. Make sure it is a deadicated line. A 1M will now work for a lot less $$$ than buying a 5M wire.

Where there's a will there's a way.

Get rid of the 5M. It's killing you.
Need opinions please. I recently upgraded my cd cable to a GG rev mk2 and am very pleased (understatement!) with the upgrade. I have a 5 meter silver cable from pre to pro that could be upgraded as well. However, it would be less expensive for me to try the Rapture on my CD player than upgrade the 5 meter pre to amp cable with the GG rev mk2. My concern is that the potential improvements with the Rapture might not be fully realized. If I could change the configuration of my set up and was only dealing with 1 meter lengths all around this would not be such a difficult problem to resolve but I can't. What would you do?
The GG Extreme mk 2 is only available in RCA according to the ads here on agon
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but it is my understanding that Steve at GG makes and sells RCA and XLR cables....for the same price too. What am I missing here?

I thought of that except I need to run XLR since I have vandersteen model 5a XLR x-overs that complement the vandy subs. I could get XLR-rca adaptors but would rather not at this point. I think I will need to shell out big bucks for the 5 meter cable or else reconfigure my system. Thanks for the suggestion though.
A 5m RCA pair of Extreme MK 2 may be the ticket.
I think it sounds better than the original Rev.
I really like the GG rev mk2 which replaced the Signal Cable between my cd player and pre (see above for impressions). However, I still have a 5 meter length of Signal Cable silver resolution residing between my pre and amp. I believe my system and room are capable of even greater soundstage depth and holographic imaging which did improve with the GG cable. However, I can't just get a 5 meter length of GG rev mk2 (or Jade vermiel, kci silkworm etc.) to audition as this would be pretty pricey and it's probably not a standard length. Though the Signal Cable is quite good especially for the price, I suspect the gold cables would offer further improvement. Any suggestions or opinions?
Wow. I am evaluating the GG revelation mk2 and it is impressive. Please bear with my descriptions as I am not an expert reviewer. Great extension; highs that are clean and without edge, lows that are deep and articulate. And a sweet, clear midrange which gives vocals a body to go with their mouth. I hear low level details now that I've never heard before even with highly revealing all silver cables. I think it's because the noise floor is much lower than what I have become accustomed to. The music seems to flow effortlessly or maybe it's just because it takes less effort to enjoy it! The soundstage is just beginning to open up as these cables settle in but so far I am very pleased with these cables. I'm afraid to try the Raptures!
rja,As long as Tarzan brings Jane and keeps himself busy hooking things up for me.
Maybe they are worth a listen