Future of cables!


I know very little about cable technology & even less about quantum physics. I read this & immediately thought (10+yrs down the road) this would upend cable tech: efficiency, clarity, & probably a bunch of stuff I don’t even know about that goes into cable science.

So, say hello to your new 2030 $70k cables. I’m curious what other people think.
Good luck with that. It will stay because its not abusive, nor rude, and only trolling in the sense of tweaking people to think about something they find very uncomfortable, namely the way so many are misled about tech.

Tech doesn't matter, for all the examples I listed. Pick any technical factor you care to name. Any. I don't care. Pure silver. Pure copper. Heck for that matter I said any technical factor so pick something like capacitance. Resistance. Whatever. ANY! 

For any one you pick that is supposed to be the Holy Grail secret determinative of performance I will find you something way better built on a completely different philosophy, design, principle, technology- whatever you want to call it.
Because the point I am making, which is not trolling because it is flat out true, is there are so many factors that go into determining the ultimate sound quality that its beyond silly to try and say this is the one.

If you find the truth rude, or if you find yourself upset to learn not everyone thinks just like you, buckle up bucko, because this is life and hate to shock again but it just doesn't always go the way we want.
Post removed 
Interesting!My layman's thought is a signal would be way less distorted traveling from A to B.May or may not be pleasing to the ear in every application.
Millercarbon, please leave the discussion.  I asked a question & expected interesting & respectful responses to the article.  I’ve asked for you to be blocked.  I don’t need your rude & abusive trolling here.

Remember what the dormouse said, Feed your head.

Also remember what the Little Train That Could said, I think can, I think I can, etc. Toot, toot!

What I know is it doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter to the point not even wasting my time to read the article. Because it is a waste of time.
This is the logical fallacy of circular reasoning, also known as "begging the question," that is, your conclusion (it is a waste of time) is also your premise.
Its not what I think, its what I know. What I know is it doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter to the point not even wasting my time to read the article. Because it is a waste of time. 

There you go again Miller, dissing science. Come on, man! (Intended to be read in look of pain Biden voice.) No way you can "know"!

Okay. Fair point. Except, let’s see- new dielectric. New geometry. Long grain crystals. Pure copper. Pure silver. Five nines pure long grain crystal copper. Active Shielding. No shielding. Active ground. Passive ground. Ground plane. Just the ones that come to mind. Anyone been around this stuff for 30 years like me has long since forgotten more revolutionary transformative new technologies than we remember.

"The future of" tech stories are a dime a dozen. You want to know "the future"? Forget tech. Read reviews. Pay attention to how it sounds. Go and listen. Find it. That’s the future.