Furutech GTX NCF receptical break in, how long

Bought NCF with 6 day burn from seller. I have it burning in last 5 days on 2 cheap power bars with old desk top towers, fans, TiVo box, home theater amps. My amp and Preamp, phono stage and CD player are all tube so I don't use them. Ran system on outlet tonight and no bass, bright, sounds bad. First day with outlet it sounded very nice. Any owners of rhodium outlets can tell me what I'm in for time wise, or what to expect sound wise in next couple weeks, thanks
So, this +- 500 hr breakin, is that for the duplex unit as a whole, or per plug?  I would imagine if crystals need to allign, or whatever else voodoo is taking  place, needs to happen where ever current flow takes place, so each recepticle needs roughly that time?
@ paulcreed, I believe auxinput nailed it on the head with this,  quote- In the end, I think it depends on how much resolution the system has.  If you are working with a very warm sounding system, these burn-in exercises may not affect you quite as much.  However, with a very revealing system, you could be in for a long term burn-in experience.  Though, Rhodium is the way to go if you want the best in resolution.             Personally I run my tube/solid state hybrid digital player with a $5,500.00 power cord that has oyaida plugs on it straight to the amplifier,  so yes, absolutely,  it has to do with resolution of any given system. 
@paulcreed 500hrs that's the  number for sure, not just my opinion.
450hrs one day ago, your almost there! My prediction Wednesday you will be one happy camper. 
I suppose any thing is possible since all our systems are unique. 
Does Furutech provide any recommendations?

Just a thought but if Ozzy was using his BSG qol Signal Completion Stage in his system that component might mask and/or smooth over the break-in of the new Fureutech outlets.

Just coming back after 10 days out of town.  I may have to revise my original estimate of 200-240 hours burn in.  I have just done a burn in on new components and a brand spanking new receiver.  Receiver has a fully burned-in Furutech fuse.  The power cord and speaker cable are well used Audioquest stuff.  However, the speaker terminations are NEW Fureutech rhodium spades/bananas.  The power cord also has NEW Furutech Rhodium IEC/Male connectors.  At about 200-250 hours it was still going up and down with changes.  Today, it's at about 420 or so hours.  It is calmed down, but I still think the system has a slight hard edge to it.  This was the final touches in my mom's system and I had to leave to come home again. lol.

In the end, I think it depends on how much resolution the system has.  If you are working with a very warm sounding system, these burn-in exercises may not affect you quite as much.  However, with a very revealing system, you could be in for a long term burn-in experience.  Though, Rhodium is the way to go if you want the best in resolution.

audiolab, I  do, 40 years and roller coaster ride helped me feel I'm not nuts. What I don't understand is how so many people can have such a different experience. Some 200, 500 to 700 hours and ozzy never heard a problem from the beginning. I don't doubt anyone's findings.  Only thing I do know is I hear things that have no explanation why and have to explain to a friends wife tonight why I have 2 old computer towers 3 fans, 2 little LCD Tv's facing the wall, an old wii, 2 receivers running full blast in a music room. She thinks I'm nuts! But when the music is playing right it's all worth it, like it is right now. Hope it stays this way and breakin is over, but it may sound like a big transistor radio tomorrow who knows.
@ paulcreed, Did you read my 5-18-18 post?, I also said to you in another post that the furutech gtx-Rhodium duplex NCF receptacle’s is a roller coaster ride, meaning during break in, the sound go’s up and down,  worst break in ordeal than anything in 40yrs🤓
We are heading to beach for day, was going to keep it on burn in. I couldn't handle not trying if it did anything overnight before I left. I'll be damn it's full and big again. Last night you couldn't even hear the kick drum and was way over shadowed with highs. You can fell the bass pressure in the room now lows and highs have balance. This thing swings soniclly during breakin more than anything I've tried while in this hobby. All I can do is cross my fingers and try to be patient if things go bad again. It's back on breakin items again while I'm gone.

When you're using the Furutech GTX Rhodium plated outlet in the wall, what you are describing is fairly common from what I've read.
Theoretically speaking I don't understand why but theory doesn't always explain a lot of what we hear with high-end audio interconnects etc. Patience is a virtue!
I don't believe they are reversed. I have black to brass screws. I may check for piece of mind. It's not there is no bass just not as before outlet install. I would think 450 hours would be sufficient time, but what do I know never used rhodium before. I'll flip some power cord around to see if there is a change. Only though is years ago I reconfigured system and cables were pulled and system was not used for 3 or 4 days. It took a couple days of running system to come back way it sounded before.  Maybe I'm not using enough current for breakin due to no solid state amps to run 24/7 playing music. I'm not ready to give up yet because highs are better than I've ever heard in this system.
I dunno guys I have at least 14 of the NCF outlets and some NCF inlets and I don’t recall having any problems with them from the start. I guess they did get better with time, I don’t remember.
I use all Cerious Matrix cables so perhaps they lessened the break in variations that others have noted.

Paul, are you sure you did not reverse wire the load and neutral?


Paul, I say it’s long enough, but as you know other posters have indicated otherwise. At this point, I would test with another power cable(s) from the outlet to see if it may be a synergy issue. Have you checked the wire to the outlet to verify there are no loose connections?
Today makes 3 weeks, I put them back on 24/7 couple days ago and I still think they need more time. Highs are nice but the bass and fullness is lacking, I may be around 450 hours. Has anybody had problems with bass this far in breakin process? Did anyone find even with 1000 or more hrs or fully broken in bass was not as full or big as before adding NCF? Maybe tighter bass but not as big or full. This is a bad ride trying to break in these little outlets. 

@ paulcreed, I also have and use the furutech receptacle cover plate🎼🎶🎵.
Hi Paul, yes it is long to burn NCF, but you would hear improvement and the signature in the beginning.  I also try the Furutech Wall Plate, on a Gold Furutech receptacle, and the result is amazing, it calms the vibrations and there is more informations discovered. I also change the speaker binding post, with Furutech Rodium, and I am realy happy of the result also. Happy listening.
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@ Paulcreed, Lol!, I forgot to mention the furutech gtx-Rhodium duplex, and the  NCF version  is a bad roller coaster ride so to speak of,  I  hated breaking in these receptacle's more than anything in 40 yrs!, the good news is be patient,  there is no better receptacle's 🥃🍷🍸🍹🍺.
kosst, I find you very offensive and I bet so would the high end audio manufactures. I added a Hubble hospital grade outlet to a Pass Lab x 250 and a old Theshold years back there were improvements across the board, my first non contractor grade outlet. Why don't you email Pass Lab and talk to them about there power supply's. See if they think they are garbage. I've become friends over the years with some of these manufactures we send each other albums, funny emails, Christmas cards. Never met them but we can talk for hours on a personal level and help building a system, and for you to call there power supply's garbage is personal. I first came here for help with a problem as this being my first outlet other than the Hubble. Now problem has resurfaced. I don't even want to post anything about it because I know your hanging over all heads waiting to pounce, please go back where you came from, I'm asking nicely, if you not helping me or others please stay away.

no thanks , your the one that stated " like I've argued this elsewhere" I also was looking at buying a fuse and glanced at fuse thread and there you were being the same broken record as you are here. I assume you carry your ignorant philosophy everywhere you go! I don't think I'll be researching kosst_amojan, so list your system
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lak, I feel your aggravation with kosst_amojan. He has been a member 1 year and a couple days and has over 1200 post all ranting the same thing he does here. Also he has never bought or sold a thing on Audiogon. It's bad enough waiting for your system to settle down while breaking in a component and looking for insight and help from knowledgeable people on this forum that have experienced the same as I without ignorant comments from kosst. I really would like to know what kosst system consist of to not hear improvement from anything power related. If that's the case he real needs to have his "stuff" checked out because something is really wrong with it! 

I've burned in my share of wire and gear over the years but this outlet takes the cake. Everything was nice this weekend then 2 nights ago it became bass shy again, detail and vocals are still nice but can start to shout at me at time. I've put everything back on 24/7 burn in again. I'm a little under 400 hours ( I quit 24/7 burn in after it started sounding better) not including supposedly 6 day dealer burnin. I did notice when things were sounding nice the bass was not as big and boomy as before NCF outlet but more controlled, which I liked.

 @ paulcreed,  I have burned in many furutech receptacle's, the answer about the time frame is 500 hrs for most of the performance values, however, the incredible treble detail comes last, usually 700 hrs, done the ole fashioned way, playing music. 
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This is starting to sound like one of these two threads: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/new-tweak-its-fantastic
or: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/the-new-synergistic-research-blue-fuses
I'm not going to waste any more time trying to reason with someone that's theory opinioned but hasn't tried a specific product themselves, but has all the amswers.
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So, everyone who is reading many of kosst’s posts, please read with a grain of salt.  Kosst has apparently made it his life mission to make sure we all feel silly for listening to different things and actually hearing differences.  Kosst, either you are really a troll in some fashion, or you really cannot hear differences with rhodium connectors or burn in, or you are actually letting your mind believe that you are hearing differences because you can see them on a scope.  It could actually very well be a combination of the last two items.
Based on my experience with the NCF outlets, they take about 400 hours to settle down and at least 600 hours to run in. Before settling down, expect the unexpected as the sound will drastically vary each day.
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kosst the question is how is "audio gear" defined in that $3 billion number you throw out and in the $1.5 billion number how many of those are desktop or computer or bluetooth speakers? I agree it does take getting people to listen but the vast majority can't even conceive of active listening unless it's with headphones.
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It would be truly amazing if the general public thought about this hobby at all! I think the perceived, and real, high cost of gear and lack of interest in audio keeps the public away not some idea that it's "snake oil".
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No, I don't, and I wouldn't given an unlimited budget either. I think these "tweaks" are antithetical to HiFi. The entire point of a high fidelity gain stage is to build a circuit as revealing of the input signal as possible while revealing nothing in the source of power. I consider these kinds of tweaks revealing only the weakness of the gear. It takes no skill or cost to build gear sensitive to anything coming through the mains. It takes skill and money to build gear that is indifferent to it.
I don't intend to create a personal feud since you and I just disagreed about something rather trivial in another thread, but again, I feel compelled to comment. Your view is the same as mine in THEORY but the reality is that the vast majority of very well designed amplifiers are still affected by these kinds of things. When you climb up the ladder to very sophisticated revealing sources, preamp, amp, cabling, and speakers, the "everything matters" effect becomes more and more applicable. I mostly agree with you. Many if not most times, a very well designed amp is going to sound best plugged directly into the wall. But the wire from the duplex to the panel and the duplex and the PC often make a positive difference. It's not huge, but it's there. If your power is dirty, a conditioner can make a very positive difference. Most of us are way too busy to spend hour after hour experimenting and undergoing the expense and headache of swapping out power conditioners so the natural inclination of many is to say it is one more aspect of high end snake oil. The naysayers simply don't know what they are missing. 
I don't disagree with your theory at all.
What I am suggesting is that if you install a new, unused Furutech GTX Gold, Rhodium, or NFC outlet into your wall outlet as others have you will experience the same results as described above.
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OP, six days on a cable cooker will help but not fully break in that Furutech GTX NCF outlet.

@kosst_amojan, no offense meant to you by my posts above, but for the record do you use a Furutech GTX Gold or Rhodium outlet?

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OP, what type of outlet were you previously using? I might go with the Furutech too in the near future.

After my post on 5/9/18 claiming "big tight bass and killer information retrieval" I was very happy with results. The only thing that was missing was the little sparkle on top end that was there the first day I installed outlet which was 5/1/18. I was told by dealer I bought NCF from all that would come back when it was broken in. Yeasterday 5/13/18 out of nowhere extra little sparkle came back. That puts break in right at 2 weeks plus the 6 day burnin from dealer for anyone going through Furutech break in. I won't mention dealer name but he is a very honest brick and mortar Furutech dealer that I have dealt with in the past. He may have made a honest mistake and sent me a non burned in outlet, I will never know.

If you have not owned a Furutech GTX-D Rhodium or Gold outlet and gone through the break-in process your personal thought doesn't count. The OP isn't looking for what you think, unless you own one. Take your argument elsewhere please... "Like I've argued elsewhere"
kosst_amojan, if you like here is my system, VTL mono blocks, Manley, BAT and Don Allen preamps, Exemplar Audio modded  Oppo tube CD player, Manley phono preamp, Linn lp12 Cirkus,with Pink Triangle Pink Linnk out board power supply, Soundsmith cartridge, Running Springs power conditioner. I'm sorry but it's not "nonsense" what my system went through over the last couple weeks. Even my kids heard the difference from another room and they could care less about 2 channel audio. I find you very close minded and rude. There doesn't have to be tangible evidence just the ability to accept what you are hearing and from what others have said here I'm not alone.

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Many have posted on a variety of Audiogon forums that they have had the exact type of long break-in time with the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium outlets, and I know many of these Audiophiles have excellent equipment. Rhodium plated items require a longer break-in as do cryogenitacly treated products.