Florian Schneider of Kraftwerk Has Passed Away

Florian Schneider of Kraftwerk passed away at 73 years old due to difficulty’s with Cancer. They were the pioneers of Electronic Music and their album Autobahn was the top 5 album of 1975.   Rest In Peace. 
This really is a sad loss.
I regularly play Kraftwerk, had been listening to them it seems forever.

The very first concert I ever went to see was Van De Graaf Generator at a very tender age( had to take a bus... Lol).
This in turn led to Kraftwerk and both still get regular playtime here.
@millercarbon'     "Captain Irreverant. The man died. Give it a rest."
What a total lack of empathy.
Post removed 
I have two cassettes but I definitely do NOT want one of your fingers GK.
We don't know where they have been!
Sad to hear.  I have tickets to see them next month.  I was already thinking that wouldn't come to pass, now it seems even more unlikely.  RIP
Yes, RIP. I remember hearing Kraftwerk in the 70's and thinking Wow, I don't know what this is but I like it.
Truly ahead of their time.