@hleeid It is worthwhile getting to grips with the below information and seeing if there is room to adopt some of the idea. Today I view this work undertaken as selecting a Support for a Styli / Cantilever, as it these two parts that will be responsible for the Sonic received at the Speaker End.
Creating an interface, that is perceived by the listener, as being quite beneficial for the function of these Parts is a worthwhile endeavor.
Clean Purified Vinyl is best to be used during Trial Periods of Materials, and the Manual Method contained within the attached file has proven to be the most satisfying cleanliness, I have achieved throughout time.
This advisory/instructional is a valuable asset to have at hand for Vinyl LP Care.
1, A TT, when mounted in a manner that is correcting the impact on it, from the ambient environment the TT is set up in. Can prove to be extremely beneficial.
2, If changing from a usual mounting method, that has potential to transfer unwanted energies to the TT, the result can be that this energy can be detected by the Styli/Cantilever and impact detrimentally on the SQ being presented from the Speaker.
3, A bespoke thought-out mounting method that reduces / isolates the TT from ambient environmental impact, is most likely going to yield improved results, where the differences that can be perceived in the SQ / Presentation at the Speaker End, can be perceived as if there is a New, or much improved TT in the house.
Learning about different structures in use for mounting a TT on and learning of different configurations for materials used in the structure, is quite easy to be found from a search or inquiry. When observing the used methods, it will be discovered that there are very affordable methods available to achieve a very positive outcome.
As a guideline, experience in this subject is generated from a long-term interest and as a result, I have many materials tried.
As important, is that I have a history of visiting a lot of people who share a very keen interest in the usage of TT's, and have learned from these individuals their methods, as well as making available to them my findings, through loaning rated materials.
I have regularly loaned Supporting Structures and Platter Mats in various materials, and can claim without any reservation, that there is not a ubiquitous material, that is proved to be best in use in differing Set Ups and their unique Ambient Environments.
There are curve balls to be encountered, after Trials, I am selecting materials that when used on my system, are seen as quite valuable additions, and even though might present with a variation in Sonic to another material, the material is seen as beneficial in use when compared to another rated material.
I have experienced rated materials used in my Set Up and Ambient Environment almost rejected immediately in another Home, and when I have been present, I have been in agreement with the findings.
As said, to investigate and trial different structures / materials for supporting the optimised function of the Styli / Cantilever can be carried out on a Prudent Budget, to gather the impressions that can be made. It is not strange to participate in, as all forums are covering similar practices for nearly all devices.