First name basis?

Is there a general rule regarding how you should address someone online for the first time?

I prefer to look thru people's feedback to see if their name is mentioned, believing it's more courteous than addressing someone by their username.
I've found however, that some people will still sign off a message back to me with their username.

Am I commiting some type of online faux pas?
Am I commiting some type of online faux pas?

Not that I know of. I do the same as you, look through feedback for a name, as I believe it to be more proper.
I've never had anyone sign off a reply with their moniker though, that's a new one to me.

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I always sign my name when I send an email, but I don't when I use forums.
I don't use another's first name until intial contact has been made.

Gee, I never really thought about it. I guess your idea makes makes sense, unless the guy drops some subtle hint about how he'd like to be addressed.

His Royal Highness
Supreme Emperor and Dictator-For-Life
the One, the Only
I just start off with "Hi:", write my message and end with my first name. I then follow their lead for my replies.

However, there are sellers who do get a lot of emails as routine so don't be surprised if they shoot back something terse like "How you wanna pay?" after sending a polite email expressing interest.
Personally, I'd be most impressed if someone displayed the type of diligence required to use my first name when writing to me.

I find it says something, in an obviously negative way, when someone doesn't sign their name to an e-mail. Sadly, in my experience, this is the rule, and not the exception.
A rose by any names still smells....or something like that anyway.

In forums you have chosen how you want to be addressed by the choice of moniker or by if/how you sign off your post. There is no discourtesy in addressing someone by their moniker.

If you have established a relationship of sorts with someone, using his real name is OK so long as it seems to be they want you to do. The only downside is that newcomers might notice all of the personal name calling and become intimidated at the thought of participating with a bunch of folks with established 'relationships' :-)

In E-mails I think it is rude not to acknowledge the individual as a 'person' (as opposed to a source of information like Google) by using his name, if you can, and always including your name and a thank you for taking the time to consider your message.

Personally I prefer to use 'Newbee' so readers can assume my stupid comments are because of ignorance, not just base stupidity. No pride here! :-)
I'm gonna go with boring, stuffy, etiquette. Follow the addressee's lead. IOW, if you are responding to a forum post that only has a moniker, use the moniker until/if the person gives you his or her name' then use that. So I'd respond to the posts above, in sequential order:
and finally

Just my $0.02.
I don't use another's first name until intial contact has been made.

Essentially what I was wondering, that some might consider it too personal right off the bat.
Not a major issue, just want to be sure I'm appropriate in my correspondence.

Thanks everyone for the input!

P.S. -Listen Joey, I just need a bit more time see... I'll get your money.....oh no, not the kneecaps!!
I have chosen an alias rather than a proper name as my user name for a reason. I do not release my proper name until an actual sale is agreed upon, or in very rare instances, when a personal relationship has developed. I would hope that others would respect my privacy, and not use my proper name in a public forum without my explicit permission.
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