Feedback QLN Prestige Three Speakers Requested

Forum Members -

While I have another thread asking for general advice on speakers & preamps/power amps, I was hoping to hear feedback specific to the QLN Prestige Three speakers. I am close to purchasing a used pair and would welcome input from folks who own and/or have heard the speaker in-person. 

Based on their reviews and sound clips I've found, they appear to be what I'm looking for: 


  • Laid back, yet immersive sound 
  • Musical vs. analytical presentation 
  • Sounds good with tube amplification 
  • Great base for a smaller floor standing speaker 
  • On the warmer and smooth side 

At the end of the day, I'm looking for a speaker that is warm, laid back and musical. After work, while making dinner, or relaxing in the living room, I'd love the speaker to help create a relaxing and comforting environment in my household. 

Musical taste: Classical piano and cello sonatas, acoustic guitar, slowcore/shoegaze rock, bossa nova, electronica/techno and lots of 90's English guitar bands. In brief, I'd like to be able to play lots of different styles of music. I'm finding that's not the case with my existing system, unfortunately. 

I'd replace the Dynaudio Heritage that just fall short on base response... 

The Current System 

  • Dynaudio Heritage Special Speakers 
  • Innuous Zenith Music Server
  • Merason DAC1 
  • Qualiton/Audio Hungary Tube Preamp
  • Qualiton/Audio Hungary 100 Watt Power Amp
  • Cardas Clear Interconnect and Cardas Cygnus Speaker Cables 
  • Lessloss Power Cable for Power Amp 

**I've got a Linear Tube Audio Microzotl Preamp on the way to replace the Qualiton/Audio Hungary Tube Preamp 

My Question for Forum Members: 
What are your impressions of the QLN Prestige Three? Based on what I'm looking for, do you recommend the QLN Prestige Three? If not, what else might you recommend that fits what I'm looking for? 



@wjob - I really appreciate your perspective on this! 

How would you describe the sound of the QLN Prestige Three? Especially in light of your intimate familiarity of the Dynaudio Heritage Specials?

I really like the Dynaudio Heritage Specials, but I just don't think they are ideal for my large room. I have thought about Rel subwoofers, but am a bit hesitant to 1) negotiate with my wife on bringing in more audio equipment. I fear she'll have a fit, but get over it. But those conversations are an investment, if you know what I mean... 2) fiddling with the set-up of the sub-woofers. 

That doesn't mean I won't do it! It's just that I'm probably looking to address the audio situation and move onto other things going on in life... 

@grislybutter - I have a complex relationship with my Dynaudio Heritage Specials. I sometimes go listen to other speakers at various dealers as I seek to hear and understand how different loud speaker manufacturers approach the craft. When I come home and listen to my Dynaudio Heritage Specials I'm struck by some of their qualities. They almost always sound better than what I just listened to in the showroom. 

They just don't really produce base at the level I want for immersive music. I also suspect they'd sound better with a more high powered SS system. I am running a 100 watt tube amp, which produces some nice holographic sound, but they don't feed them as well as they could. In brief, I think the Dynaudio Heritage Special speaker was designed for a 200+ SS amp. 

Selling them? I'm undecided right now... 

Hi @bluethinker66

I own the Dynaudio HS and have also heard the QLNs. I really like the QLN sound and think you have good choices there. That said, I am unsure you will be happy going from the HS to the QLNs. A special thing about the HS is the mid/woofer - very fast and clean. You may lose that moving to the QLN. If you really like the HS and the only concern is bass, I would suggest experimenting with a subwoofer (or two). It is not clear to me that the somewhat lower bass of the QLN will give you the deep bass you want for orchestral music. You may also lose some of what makes the HS special.

are you going to sell the heritage speakers? (are they that bad?/that not good)

Thanks again, everyone. I appreciate the feedback.

@metaldetektor - I’m a little apprehensive they’ll be too passive. I’ve heard a few speakers that just felt dull and lifeless. I certainly wouldn’t be happy if the Prestige Three ended up in that camp. I'll check out the Gershman Avant Garde and Verity speakers. 

@soix - Thanks for Joseph Audio suggestion. 

@avanti1960 - I’ve read that the Prestige Three have a bit of a different sound signature than the Prestige One. Based on your experience, I hope that is the case.

@soix - Great question. I realize it certainly doesn't appear logical.

I'm planning on using the Linear Tube Audio also as a headphone amp in the living room when I'm not speaking or hanging out with my wife, but where she might be reading in the same room, etc. There seems to be such great feedback on the LTA Microzotl that I wanted to give it a go... I like the ethos of the company and wanted to give it a go. If I don't like it, or it downgrades the sound (I don't expect it to), I'll explore a Cary and/or Conrad Johnson tube preamp next. 

For playing music in the living room, because of my wife's sensitivity, looking for a speaker that is slightly rolled off at the top, but also providing more bass energy, is my priority. 

Post removed 

+1 Verity Audio.  They fly a bit under the radar but are fantastic.  Another would be Gershman Avant Garde.  Both of these are hard to find, but if you can find them well worth the effort.  ProAc is also very musical but still very nicely detailed. 

I heard these at AXPONA audio show in Chicago last April. 

They do sound warm and laid back but I personally could not own them, too much of the music’s presence was missing.

It is possible to have a balanced, slightly tapered off sound that is pleasing, never thin or harsh and still have musical excitement.

These aren’t them.



Yes, quite a few times both in real living situations and a dealer.

You may want to look into Verity as well. More neutral than QLN but it’ll take character from your amps. Tube friendly, the Parsifal less so. It’s on the demure / polite side, hard to imagine your partner finding fault with it but don’t quote me on that!



Why, if you like some warmth, are you replacing the Qualition pre with the LTA?  That would seem to be a step in the wrong direction as the MicroZOTL has a reputation of sounding relatively neutral as tubed preamps go.  

That said, I think you’ve made a great choice with the Prestige 3.  The other speaker I’d be exploring is the Joseph Audio Perspective ll although that’s a bit more expensive but is also a 2.5-way speaker rather than a 2-way so you are getting more.  Can’t see you going wrong with QLN though — great speakers!  Sonus Faber may also be worth a look.  Hope this helps, and best of luck. 

@metaldetektor - Thanks for your reply! 

Have you heard them before? Do you feel they would be able to play/present lots of different types of music well? I take it the speaker might be too laid back for your own personal tastes? 

My wife is somewhat sensitive to sound, so I'm looking for a speaker that allows me to have music on during the evenings that won't overly stimulate her. In that regard, the "background music" would be a fine thing. 

For doing my own listening, I'd probably use the Linear Tube Audio Headphone amp for more critical personal listening. 

I think they check your boxes, I’d just say careful what you wish for. For me the downside of warm so called musical speakers is the music can easily become background music when I want to be more engaged than that — sometimes you want music to feel more (a)live — exciting music should be exciting. Good luck.