F7 ?speakers

First Watt f7 owners, what would be a good speaker for the amp? I’m looking for a full range. They have to be in a niche about 6’10” long, 2’ deep. The room itself is 14x12’.
Now I’m using Fritz Carbon 7, to which is added audio smiles super Twitter. It’s great, but could be better. 
So far, Tekton is one of the most interesting choices . I wonder which model-Double Impact
or Electron? 
I think Cornwalls are too big and will be very close apart. 
My other system is full range 8”” driver by Louise from Omega speakers and small Kitoki (Wolf’s ear Audio, Canada) amp, so I’m not interested in single driver speakers for this system, I want to enjoy both worlds. 
On the other hand, I heard that PS Audio is releasing their lineup of speakers in the late 2019, and was wondering if it worth waiting for this. I have no information about them, except that will have power subwoofer, no idea how big or efficient will be the smaller ones. 
My budget is $7000 max. 
Thanks in advance 
Take a look at Sonist Concerto 4's. Full range and easy to drive.Good Luck, Tish
I'm running Silverline Prelude Pluses (well under your budget) with a F/W F7.  VERY happy with that pairing.  Also use it to drive Totem Forests very satisfactorily though this will likely raise the eyebrows of some of the audio cognoscenti.  The system is posted if that's of help.

Personally I would wait for PS Audio’s new speaker line. I tried single driver Zu Audio speaker, KEF, Wharfedale, 2 & 3 way design speakers. 

The new lineup is supposed to be 4 way w built in sub w DSP and both from & rear firing tweeters. Aiming to be the best/closest to real live music. We shall see. Starting around 7k is the goal. 

Yes, PS audio has been working on them for a long time. I think the best is to wait.
Great bargain sneakers emerald Physics KC IIs. Super efficient and play huge
Yes, I’ve seen this. In a matter of fact, that was the only one that mentioned that speaker in all of the reviews of the show. 
I’m a little worried about the sideported woofers, cause I won’t be able to position them more than 1/2 feet from the side wall. 
Definitely, very tempting otherwise. 
I made up my mind, I will wait for them and then will make my decision.
I am driving Devore the nines with my F7, you might want to try his O/93 which I bet will be great too. I never even get into the gain of my wyred4sound stp-se (stage 2) with decent volumes.
Definitely with the latest Zu Audio Druid mk6 ($10k new in USA), but previous mk5 is just $6750 !  

I’m using mine with First Watt F2J current source amp.
Nelson Pass also own a pair of Druid speakers.

You can’t go wrong with First Watt paired with Zu Audio Speakers, just watch their show here. And if you want check this interview with Sean Casey from Zu Audio.
I looked at Druids, they are very interesting!
But I have a similar system already. 
PS audio speakers will be completely different, which, of course, doesn’t mean “better “. 
The biggest upside is that PS audio have a lot of dealers and you can go and audition them. 
I’m not in a hurry, will wait, accumulate information and will try to listen to as many as I can. 
Thanks a lot for the suggestion.

I looked at Druids, they are very interesting!
But I have a similar system already.

I don’t think so, your speakers are completely different in every aspect, first of all they are small bookshelf, very low efficient (87dB), 2 way speakers with crossover. Correct me if i’m wrong, but this is what i can read about your speakers:

Zu Audio Druid is crossoverless, extremely high efficient (101dB) floorstanding speakers with full range drivers, much wider frequency response. Totally different from what you have. And Nelson Pass loves them. You will find many reviews for First Watt amps written by people who use Zu speakers. This is a perfect match for your amp. I know that Zu customer service is first rate, i’m not in USA, but if you’re in USA i’m sure you will find were to check them or to buy on trial.

Please, read the original post. My other system is based on single driver 8” Omega driver, driven by 1.5 W tube amp. 
I want to change my SS system. 
That’s why I’m asking about 3 way speakers, that are efficient.
sorry, if I wasn’t clear.
You are better off buying a speaker you like for the $s and look for an amp if F7 does not work. 
I could not have been able to say it better! 
That is the right way of thinking.
But, if you can narrow the choices, that would be great.
@bakalovb did you mean 6 feet tall, 10 inch wide and 2 feet deep maximum dimensions per speaker?.
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