Experience on replacing capacitors of SS preamp?

I have done replacing blown resistors from a tube amp before, but not capacitors.
Replacing capacitors would be as easy as replacing resistors?
I will have an old SS AR preamp which is over 20 years old, and am thinking about replacing all caps by myself, but I'd like to hear any caution or tips of doing the job.


Another good line is the Panasonic FM line. If you can findd them in your values, they are kind of limited in sizes.
Audio grade is not usually what you want in a power supply. :)

But Nichicon makes excellent caps. 4 sounds about right.

Oops, I forgot you said it was SS. Typical volts in SS gear is 30 or less, you should be fine.
First, the preamp is old, second there is an audible hum even at the lowest volume.
Also, I’ve read many glorious stories of old preamps sounding much better after recaps, so I want to give a try by myself.
There are only 4 caps with + signs, so replacing 4 would be relatively simple, I hope.
Is Nichicon a good brand?
Any other recommendations for hifi audio grade capacitors?
I'm not sure if you are aware, but the volts in tube gear is lethal. Like 300 V or more is quite common.

So, pay extra attention to finding the voltage supplies, and measuring that they have fully discharged, using a resistor to drain high voltages.

So in the schematic, only worry about changing caps with a polarity (+) sign.
Avoid changing caps in the signal path (shouldn't be any).
Find a 10K resistor or so to help you discharge caps. They can hold those very high voltages for a long time. Measure V before touching them. Use a resistor to discharge safely.

Ensure replacement caps:
V = or > originalTemperature = or greateruF = identical.

The uF in the primary filter caps can be a little larger (uF) but don't go nuts. You stress the transformer and bridge rectifier.

Higher Temperature = longer life.

Triple check polarity on removal and installation.

No, you only want to replace electrolytic caps in the power supply. Changing the film caps is not necessary and can affect sound and retail value.
Depends. What is your purpose for replacing them? Is there an issue with the preamp or are you wanting improved sound? 
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It’s still just soldering. Protect the component from excess heat(I use mini alligator clips(heat sinks), on the leads closest to the part). Using solders with low melting points(ie: eutectics, Cardas, Wonder, etc) makes things easier too. With some components(ie: some electrolytic caps) , it’s critical to observe/annotate their polarity, where applicable. (https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/polarity/alI) If soldering point to point, made a good mechanical connection first. If your intent is to replace the capacitors, that have suffered from age: just do the electrolytics. Most other types(ie: film, tantalum, ceramics), don’t dry out or leak. Upgrading(POOGE) is another story. Have fun! https://www.powells.com/book/audio-electronics-the-pooge-chronicles-9781882580149