EQ Thats affordable

Hello All - Every now & then I want a little high/low bump on various recordings . My room is treated and gear listed below. Just for a test I connected my Alesis MEQ-230 and its super noisy (although not sure if I have the best chain connection)
I’m looking for something under $1000 , Here’s what Ive been looking at :

Behringer DEQ2496
DSPeaker Anti-mode 2.0
Mini DSP

obviously a remote or app is a plus....

Also whats the best connection / routing??

Lyngdorf 2170 Amp (high end analog inputs / digital / XLR)
Allnic H1201 Phono Stage (RCA)

mainly for LPs ...I do stream ..have EQ options there..

any recommendations on other options appreciated , thanks !

of course the MiniDSP team has recommend the SHD model , 32 Bit converters , 120 SNR and very low THD...The "audiophile" model ...$1100 ...
I dont need all the room correction / streaming stuff ...already have room correction system with my amp....
so I ordered the MiniDSP Balanced last night , I'll probably just also order the HD version as well & see what makes the most sense , send the other back...the balanced miniDSP needs 2 adapter cables for my system...
1. Turntable-Phonostage RCA Stereo to single Male XLR Splitter cable
2. XLR to Y Stereo XLR into my amp L/R

youre right Pragmasi , seems like the HD version makes the most sense since I can input my MacBook into the Toslink and Turntable into Analog ins ...done...
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You're probably best going for a MiniDSP 2x4 HD, if you keep the leads short there shouldn't be a problem using RCA connections. I'm not sure whether MiniDSP do a balanced version with USB audio input.
If you do go for the 2x4 HD make sure to update to the latest firmware, doing this fixed a few problems on mine.
so am I understanding the chain correctly - 
Turntable - phonstage - MiniDSP XLR (so I 'd need an adapter from RCA to XLR ) and then into my amp?
and my MacBook goes into USB of MiniDSP
thanks ! 
The Balanced is for XLR connections.

The HD is for 96/24 kHz sampling and manipulation.
So my main listening is : 
turntable-phonostage-lyngdorf 2170 ( which does digital conversion)
is the balanced still best for that ? Pardon my lack of understanding 😊 
If you are going analogue-minidsp-analogue then balanced (XLR) will be better than single ended (Phono/RCA). If you're using the headphone out on your macbook then you'll find a major improvement by streaming through the MiniDSP USB input and using the analogue inputs for the other sources. If your main interest is digital source to dac then you'll be best choosing something like the nanoDigi 2x8 and placing it between the two.
Hope that makes sense.
Which MINIDSP model do you guys recommend? , I don’t have a DAC , I use Mac PowerBook pro to run files ...VPI prime scout Turntable for LPs...I was thinking the MINIDSP HD and pragmasi suggested the “balanced” model ...not sure why? Thanks 
Between Behringer and miniDSP I recommend the latter.
Also, miniDSP has a number of digital-only models that you can put before your DAC.
The Lyngdorf has a grouping of "presets" that don't really suit me..I'd like more control....thanks 
I only have experience with Mini DSP which are very good if used conservatively. If you use a digital source then the best bet would be SPDIF/I2S from the source into the MINIDSP then SPDIF/I2S into a DAC of your choice; for analoge go for the balanced version. The measurement mic is worth getting as well if you're trying to track down specific frequencies.