Ear Candy: Most startling recordings.

OK, we all respect great musical talent and muscianship, but sometimes you put in a CD and you get one of those startling zany recordings that make you smile it is so strange. Some of Neil Young's stuff is kind of like that. Alot of Pink Floyd is like this. Sounds racing across the sounds stage, shifting mike position in mid recording. What are your favorite "ear candy" recordings?
Bob Schneider's Lonelyland-a few throwaways, but many excellent tunes, as unique as songwriters get. '2002' is poignant.
KLAATU/ KLAATU, fun album. Well recorded with some interesting effects for its time. TG
Try "Sao Paulo Confessions," by Suba on Six Degrees. Great system workout--Brazilian jazz fusion, funk dance, for lack of a better description. Excellent recording. Also, anything by Yello, the Swiss pair who made their name in the 80s. Their stuff is some of the most listenable techno that was ever cut. Again, excellent recordings, technically.
Lost Highway soundtrack (sounds HUGE), Delirium Kharma (layers upon layers of eastern influenced trance), Anything by Ottmar Liebert (contains elements that are almost subliminal), and Steve Vai's Ultrazone (extremely well recorded weirdness).
If your a jazz person than try to find some of the Venus 24 bit CD's of folks like Archie Shepp and a whole slew of other artists.These digital recordings are also pressed into vinyl and are superb.They show the potential of the red book standard.Also Mappleshade recordings.Get Clifford Jordan "Live at Ethyl's"It's spooky-like you are there hearing everything!
Agree, the Venus 24 bit cd's are extraordinary, as are the MPS, both of which are available through Red Trumpet. Some of the best redbook sound I've heard.
Hans Theesink Sounds of the Southland is excellent as are the two latest recordings by Ray Bonneville, Roll it Down and his newest Goin' by feel
Radiohead Amnesiac. Will reduce most speakers to wimps with more curveballs than a drunken pitcher.
What still gets me is Pink Floyd's Ummagumma. Grantchester Meadows and Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict. Hold on to your hats!
Dead Can Dance has been mentioned, another Australian group, Paradise Motel is also worth looking up. Haunting vocals, Hammond organ and strings on Derwent River Star (from "Flight Paths") are a favorite test of extension, control and resolution.

on "Deadicated", the Indigo Girls cover of Uncle Johns Band is gorgeous. A good cd to go auditioning with, all pretty good recordings with Elvis Costello, Dr John, Suzanne Vega, Cowboy Junkies, Spearhead, Los Lobos, Midnight Oil, Janes Addiction.
Agree with Dead Can Dance, and last night Michael Bubble was performing personnaly "Fever" in our living room
Bob Dylan "Time out of Mind"

Still the best - "The Freewheeling Bob Dylan"
Anything on Reference Recordings! I got the bug for wind orchestra music through their recordings of the Dallas Wind Ensemble.

REFERENCE RECORDINGS ! Fantastic sound. Crown Imperial gives me goose bumps nearly every listen.
Time Out Of Mind - Bob Dylan
Dark Side Of The Moon - Pink Floyd
White Album - The Beatles
Here's a few on CD
Music from the Hearts of the Masters-Jack Dejohnette and Foday Musa Suso
Reinhard Flatishler and Mega Drums-Layers of Time
Master of Chinese Percussion-Yim Hok-man (K2HD)
Startling dynamic ear candy
HDCD's if you haven't heard them

Persuasive Percussion - the original Enoch Light Varese Vintage CD. Terry Snyder and the All Stars. It's full of surprises and variety of instruments on nearly all 18 tracks.

Beatle's DVD-A "LOVE" is so clean it's startling.
My Bloody Valentine - Loveless

Keith Jarrett - Spheres (solo improvisations on a pipe organ)

Les Paul & Mary Ford - I just have their greatest hits and Lovers' Luau on vinyl. Total ear candy and WAY ahead of its time.

Talking Heads - Remain In Light - A mind-bending recording you can dance to.

Classic dub (Lee "Scratch" Perry, King Tubby, etc...) also gets me every time. Those guys made the most amazing sounds with some really basic equipment.
Paradise Cafe, Barry Manilow...ok, I'll wait while the laughing subsides.
On first listening, it's a group of well done songs, and if you like Barry, great singing.
Then, after listening, I started to notice that the cuts sounded as if they were done in a venue such as a 'real' paradise cafe. A brick wall behind the performers, the kind of room that so many Jazz clubs seem to have.
Then, (no acohol was involved) I listened more intently, and with variations on that theme I know I heard the venue.
So if you like, Sassy Sarah, Mel Torme, Jerry Mulligan, Mundel Lowe, and too many other greats to mention, grab a copy--hours of listening fun--almost a musical 'time machine'. The genius of this album was probably never appreciated because it was Barry.
You won't regret the purchase.

Good Listening,
Thanks for reviving this thread.

Black Dub - Black Dub
Kate Bush - 50 Words for Snow
But I love to do that Ebm!:)

I just must recommend one of the best albums I've heard..
Tord Gustavsen Trio "Being there"
If you are just so slightly into jazz.. this is beautiful..
something of it's own!
For the audiophile its wonderful!
They throws up a great deep soundstage with great details and beautiful
3D layers on a quiet background!
Don't remember where it was recorded, but it sounds like they are in a castle or a chatedral or something like that!
One of my favorites... maybe THE favorite!
But I love to do that Ebm!:)

I just must recommend one of the best albums I've heard..
Tord Gustavsen Trio "Being there"
If you are just so slightly into jazz.. this is beautiful..
something of it's own!
For the audiophile its wonderful!
They throws up a great deep soundstage with great details and beautiful
3D layers on a quiet background!
Don't remember where it was recorded, but it sounds like they are in a castle or a chatedral or something like that!
One of my favorites... maybe THE favorite!
Momentary Lapse of Reason 1a/1a DMM masterdisk release(smokes MFSL)
Bill Connors/Jan Garbarek/Gary Peacock/Jack Dejonette on ECM vinyl
Pat Metheny "American Garage" on Geffen vinyl
Billy Eckstine sings with Benny Carter on Verve vinyl
Nina Hagen Unbehagen on japanese Epic vinyl
Ashkenazy plays Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto 3 on Super Analogue vinyl (Japan)
David Sylvian Secrets of the Bee Hive on Virgin vinyl
Dead Can Dance Anastasis SACD
Police Synchronicity vinyl with female breast on cover
Ry Cooder Jazz on german vinyl