Dynaudio c1 signature

Hi...im interested witch music instruments does this speaker performs most natural..correct...lifelike...tnx
Paul I requested new logos (from the distributor) the day I got mine. Not sure if I mentioned it but I was able to get the discontinued black/chrome Stand4 NOS. They look killer with the Mocha C1's. But remember that stand is for several models and only the new Focus and Confidence has the new logos. The Coutours and Excites still have the old logo.

Stricken I agree 100%. Personally I would not delay a purchase because of a logo. I could take it off but it does not look bad.
my dealer has stand3 and stand4...i dont care much about speaker looks, stand looks or the logo...my only consern is the speaker SOUND...so when we speak bout stands i only worry bout they being "lively" as J.A. from the stereophile wrote in the measurements(i think that can be resolved to fill them with the sand if i get it right)...the speaker should be greatly transparrent if all treated well...what i would like to know is there difference in material or design in stands with new and old logo tnx...
Raindog If you get the C1's get the stand 4. You mount the tubes to the speaker plinth without using the top plate. Then before you put on the bottom plate is when you fill them. I have only my rear tube filled 2/3rds with sand. Yes you do get a big long baggie to put the sand in since you can also run the speaker cable through the back tube.

As far as I know there is no new logo for the stands. I'll be contacting the North American distributor next week for something else so I'll ask the question again.
i thought maybe they have new (improved) models of stands for c1 sigs. but i guess im wrong...
Actually the Stand4 is only 3 or 4 years old. They replaced the Stand2. The difference is the Stand4 has a larger opening at the bottom to make it easier to fill with sand. When I first got my original C1's my dealer brought over the Stand2 and when I asked how to fill them he looked at me with a grin and said "grain by grain" (because the opening was tiny) and gave me his Stand4. As far as filling the tubes I highly recommend using the foam insert for the top of the speaker and setting the speaker in it upside down. Leave the grills on and use an old towel or sheet to cover the speaker because if accidentally spill some sand you don't want it to get stuck to the Esotar2 tweeter. Now if that should happen crumple up some scotch tape and get it off that way. DO NOT use electrical or duct tape because to is tooooooooo sticky and you may ruin the tweeter.

I should be getting an answer tomorrow from Dynaudio in the USA
OK I was wrong. There is a new Stand4 and they have no logo per Dynaudio. Just got a reply today.
Hi guys,

I was not ware of the new stands without the loge. That is good enough for me. (When I have demoed the C1 mk2s the dealer had the old stands and I did not like the fact that the speakers had a different logo that the stands. I told the dealer that such inconsistencies should not happen at this price point. He probably was not aware either of the new stands without a logo as the only things he said was "well...")

Raindog031, I remember reading the remark in Stereophile about the empty stands and thinking it was a very silly one (to me it sounded more like negative advertisement than a warning for the users). The reviewer should have filled the stands instead of making that remarked. Of course, an empty pipe will ring.

Best wishes,
so Xti did the dealer said bout differeences in new stands...are they tehnicaly "better" then old stand4...Paul i will agree with your observation of stereophiles reviewer but anyone who has logic thinking should reject his silly statment bout that...still dont understand why he diddnt fill stands with the sand....he was reviewing delicate speakers...
Raindog Haven't heard back again from the Distributor regarding if that is the only change. Anyhow my black/chrome stands are staying. They just look too d@mn good with the Signatures.

Paul - the stand4 doesn't ring when empty due to the way the bases are constructed. At least that is what I have found. When filled they give a more forward presentation with cleaner and tighter tones. That is why I have mine only partially filled. Personally I'm not a fan of too forward or I may have considered something more like the S25's.
Xti16, of course the stands will not produce an audible ring when one listens to music. However, one will be able to pick up some standing waves, i.e. ring, when placing a stethoscope on one of the stands - it is an empty pipe ... That is why I said the comment in the article was nonsense.

Raindog031, the Dynaudio Stand 4 are very good stands which also happened to be very earthly priced (especially when compared to the Focal stands for example). I do not think there was anything that really needed to be improved about them.

On a different matter, last week I have seen on www.audiomarkt.de a pair of C1 mk2 with stands for 4300 euros, there were also a few mk1s for sell. Of course, I am not the one who sells any of those speakers :).

Also, sorry for diverting, but I was wondering whether any of you guys have
had the chance to listen the Vapor Cirrus and/or Vivid Audio B1 or V1 speakers. I keep reading that these speakers are the best "monitors" available.

Keep us posted Raindog031!

yes dyn stands are double cheaper than SF stand 4-5 times cheaper than Focal...diablo utopia with stands are 3k euros expensiver than c1...does it makes better...no...i think their quest for berillyum tweeter was expensive so now they are overpricing their speakers to get the cash back(manny cash goes on focals luxtry looks also) im not sayin that focal is trash...i like focal...but i would rather go on esotar2 and dyns sound more full bodied...less detailed...more real by my taste...every speaker driver etc. has its weakness and good things so you cant tell witch is best speaker...you can only choose witch sounds best to your ears...i doubt i would be not satisfied with B&W805D or diablo or dyns or SF guarneri M...but dyns are priced somwhere in middle...and its not 2forward or laid back speaker...just in middle...and i think i will manage to push more volume with dyns without problems(not to mention barr response)...Nvp ive heard vivids are bang 4 the buck regarding the sound...manny liked vivid more then dyns on forums...but vivid bookshelf is little shy on bass and got strange looks for many...i dont have vivid dealer in croatia...but i was interested to hear them...i think they are made in south africa...
i would rather go on esotar2 and dyns sound more full bodied
for that reason don't forget check out Harbeth SHL5.You may be surprised how good they sound for the money and much more.Because for me they sound even fullier than C1 at normal listening levels

I'm also interested in C1, the newer models, since I need to put them in my study which is quite small and I will play them in volume all the time. How is your experience with C1 mkII or Signature ?


Not sure if Raindog031 ever got any C1's. They will be different from your S25's. More laid back - easier to setup and listen to. Just get them away from the back walls. The MKII/Sig sound so much better at lower volumes when compared to the originals.
Abe sorry for late reply...i havent heard the C1mk2 so cant tell you nothing significant you better talk with the Xti16 cuz hes got the pair...i will probably end with new focus 380 becuz i think that will be overall better speaker choice for me but my dealer told me c1s are little tricky to position them perfectly in the room but i dont think its a major problem...and as Xti16 said you should get them away from the back walls...if you are not a bass freak i think c1 will be excellent choice for you...my sweet problem for now will be finding adequate amplification for focus 380...im aiming on ASR emitter 1 exclusive and i contacted dynaudio about that...Mr. Ronald Hoffmann answered that ASR will be a good match with dyns so im seriously aiming on that combination...i just have to see how the speakers will interact with my room acoustics...i know im not much of help but you as i said Xti16 will answer you alot of questions about this fine speakers...my regards...
Hi guys,

I just wanted to let you know that I've bought a pair of Dynaudio C1 mk1
speakers. You can find my first impression here:

rspkr&1316578197>Dynaudio C1 mk1 vs. Focal Utopia Micro Be

Kind regards,

10-17-12: Nvp
Hi guys,

I just wanted to let you know that I've bought a pair of Dynaudio C1 mk1
speakers. You can find my first impression here:

rspkr&1316578197>Dynaudio C1 mk1 vs. Focal Utopia Micro Be

Kind regards,

Workable link http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?rspkr&1316578197
Hi Paul
Congratulations on the C1's. Have you filled the stands? I have the rear post about 3/4 filled with sand and it tightens up everything from the lows to the highs.

Hey with the originals you don't have to worry about the emblems LOL!! BTW I received my new Dynaudio emblems for my stand 4's about a month ago - looks great.
Paul, congratulations on your choice of speakers...you must be enjoying them very much...great piece of gear...musical nirvana...kind regards
Xti16 and Raindog031, thanks for the messages! Unfortunately, I have sold the
C1s. They produced an overwhelming amount of bass that at times overpowered
my room. I am back with my beloved MicroBes. (I will give you more details
about my C1 adventure somewhere next week.)
Paul by any chance did you have the Rel still connected. I ask because I have the Rel B3 and found the combo to sound the best when I had the crossover set 34hz. Any higher and with a few recordings the bass is overwhelming. For me I use the sub to add what the C1's can't physically reproduce while others want to add to what is already there.