DVD by Oppo 205

Will the 205 provide a better experience for DVD viewing than an older high quality video player’s  upconversion via HDMI?
Seeing the differences, I allow for the improvements in some areas but not so much with standard Blu-Ray. The advanced processor, Dolby Vision, and the AKM DAC could be of benefit but I don't know if I'd notice a difference. Thanks for the link.

All the best,
I had a similar question regarding plain old Blu-Ray and the rep at OPPO told me that if all I wanted to do is view Blu-Ray and not any 4K content, then I should stick with my 103 and not bother with the 203 or 205 as there wouldn't be any improvement. If you have any further doubts. give them a call as they are quite honest about their gear.

If the rep told you there wouldn't be **any** difference then that may be a bit misleading.  


I had a similar question regarding plain old Blu-Ray and the rep at OPPO told me that if all I wanted to do is view Blu-Ray and not any 4K content, then I should stick with my 103 and not bother with the 203 or 205 as there wouldn't be any improvement. If you have any further doubts. give them a call as they are quite honest about their gear.

All the best,
Thanks again guys. With auxinput comments re the video and Darbee I found out the 205 has a completely new video chip they partnered with a video chipmaker to jointly design. I hear so much good about Oppo I have to assume the new chip will outperform the previous. And I assume Darbee will bring out an improved stand-alone fairly soon which may be used with the 205 if reviews are positive. So I have decided on the 205 if I upgrade now. I appreciate the new videos made in 4K will be much better than upconverted DVD’s however I have a huge selection in DVDs that I enjoy in 1080i from HDMI and all the positive comments indicate there’ll be a noticeable benefit with the 205. I appreciate your inputs very much. 
You would have to decide what’s more important.  Your original question was for DVD 480i video quality.  The older 105D is better because it has Darbee processing for low res.  The newer 205 has better audio quality if you use the analog outputs, but will not be as sharp on the low res DVD video (since it lacks Darbee).
The UDP-205 can upscale, but may not, depending on how you set the output resolution (setting). 
Glad you mentioned vocals !  I am an opera nut. Love audio and video. I have a glass of French Brandy and - honestly - I am there. I am “supremely” grateful for DVD’s and enhancements are Gravy !!!
Do you have a 4k TV?  If not - no reason to upgrade to  4k player.

I have observed that upscaling to 4k can create some strange looking images. The upscaling and also enhancement to HDR makes the images look un-natural - like they were shot in a studio with very bright lights (perhaps they were....).
Real 4k Blurays look astounding so that's why you should buy the latest technology - stop living in the past.
Sound quality on the UDP-205 is better than the 105 - particularly on voices, which would be a consideration for Opera.
Thanks guys. If it upsamples to closer to 1080p that’s a great improvement. I hadn’t thought of the Darby processing. Since there are so many opera DVDs it may be better to go with the 105d. Any other cpmments ?
I would be surprised if it did improve the image even further. The advantage of the UHD 205 is that it handles UHD Bluray, but that is two levels up from DVD. Upsampling one level, to just ordinary Bluray, is already quite an achievement. What is not there is simply not there, after all.
Well, it can certainly upscale any 480i DVD content to 1080p or 4K video.  However, the 205 series no longer has Darbee processing.  The Darbee can definitely help with sharpening lower resolution interlaced content, such as 480i / 480p DVD level resolution.  The older 103D and 105D players included Darbee processing.