Dusting gear and turntable

I've decided I need to do a better job keeping my gear/rack clean.  Despite the wipe down and vacuum every few months I need a weekly solution.  Looking at a feather duster but I think that is just going to spread stuff around.  Also looking at the Swiffer duster.  Something to help reduce static would be great also.  I remember Millercarbon saying he would wipe everything down with dryer sheets.  I won't be doing that but definitely more frequent cleanings.  Especially on top where the TT sits and dusting the TT itself.

I just did a search and read what I could but any ideas welcome. 





I'll make sure to get after my wife about more frequent vacuuming! LOL

It would be easier to hire a French maid.

My Rega P6 has a dustcover which does a pretty nice job for the TT itself.  I'll grab a swiffer and some fresh micro fiber cloths and be more diligent.

Thanks for the responses


My friend who makes and sells tube amps and other delicate gear uses a paint brush to dust his gear. I am now also following suite. My RAAl VM-1a tube amp for example is almost impossible to clean with most regular methods and a breeze with the soft paint brush.

I cover my TT with a piece of silk from a 2nd-hand-store Hawaiian Shirt (about $5).

I cut-out the back panel, then my wife quickly hemmed the edges.  It is cheap, works as well as the plexiglass cover that my other TT has and is very light.  

Warning - learn to remove it from the rear, moving to the front, to avoid snagging the cart.  

Cheap, works well and looks cool... This has worked for years. Wife optional.