Do you drink when you listen?

I love to have a drink when I listen to the music. It helps me to concentrate well. I love Black Label Whiskey or Courvosier. A good import beer preferably belgium will also do.

Showing 6 responses by tireguy


Dave- 11 years ago I was 9, spooky! And I fancied fuzzy naval's like most things my tastes have changed over the years!
Bourbon, served neat- this week I have Evan Williams 18 in the decanter, very enjoyable. I used to be into Martini's but then they became more important to me then the music, so they had to go. I find most all lagers to be insipid, but I enjoy a good Ale sometimes for critical drinking when I am critically listening(once a month tops) there are some good brewing companies out here that make good home stout, etc and I enjoy that most times. But the rest of the time I stick to my bouron! A.H Hersch, Baisel Haiden, Eliajha Craig, Bookers tend to be my favorite companions when listening :)

Where is winoguy? I am sure he has some favorites to share with us
Though no my cup of tea, I think Killerpiglet is onto something, "gold panama red mkII, is far smoother sounding in the upper midrange then the silver panama red mkII, well worth the upgrade IMO". I can only imagine how out of hand it would get, there would need to be another catagory here Amps/preamps, digital, Speakers, Pot, Analog, cabels, etc...I can see it now! Though it may attract the wrong crowd.

I'll stick to my bourbon, never could smoke anything any ways, just didn't work, dunno why?
Whatjd-How about all three at the same time? I am talented I can multi-task :) If one can actually call any of those three a "task" more like multi-pleasure-Hey I think I have the idea for my next film!
I want a new pair of speakers so its time to work again, thanks for asking aj!
Awdeeofyle- Agreed that Absinth is weird stuff, try Ricard or Pernod-the later being my favorite liquer, gives a buz unlike any other booze I've ever drank, I can only imagine what absinth did to those who crossed its path. I love ordering a Pernod and Cranberry draws some unusual looks from those tending the bar, but a super drink.
