@bzawa the important part of your question is that you’re asking other people what you "need", and in my experience, that’s just never the way to go.
fear of missing out means you’re already in fear ... so you’re not in a position to listen critically or to enjoy
Having said that ...
AC cables have a very real effect on the sound, and there are so many options out there, but it’s only something that you consider at the very end when you are happy with what you have and are looking for something to take it over the top without buying new equipment
when you get to that stage, I strongly recommend Shunyata Research. Not only is it very audible, what they sell, but it’s backed by science, and the pricing is incredibly reasonable for the quality… I believe they have the top quality products in the world
No bad artifacts. Great value
So the question is, what are you going for, and they have a number of options each with different flavors and different price points, but you can never go wrong buying anything from Shunyata
my three favorite cable products from Shunyata are the Theta, the Sigma X, and the new Omega QR, three very different price points
the Gemini 8 is a nice product for very reasonable money, and you can go up from there into Denali and Everest