Direct Servo Subwoofer Suggestions

I would like all suggestions for a Direct Servo Subwoofer to match with a  set of Raidho XT-1 monitors. Why do you think your suggestion is a good one?
Rythmiks are indeed the ones---the 12" F12, 15" F15, or 18" (take a guess ;-) F18. The Rythmik website has a lot of info on the designs. For those who think smaller woofers are "faster" than larger ones (a gross over-simplification), single and dual 8" models are also available.
HI Seadogs- RYTHMIK subs are likely the very best direct servo systems available.  They are available thru direct sales - just google Rythmik.... Good Luck!
Um, I care a lot less about servos than the quality of the built in room correction. Right now the best built in room correction is by JL Audio.

Bad speaker and room integration is 1,000x more audible than a few percentage points of low order distortion.

Personally I use Hsu and do my room EQ via miniDSP and OmniMic tools. 
