Dipping toes in tube preamp pool!!

Looking for my first tube preamp. Need some advice on my short list of candidates! My system has been put together over a couple of years and stands as follows:
PS audio M700 monoblocks
Innuos Zen MKiii
Bricasti M3
Oppo 203
Ascend Acoustics towers with ribbons.
Room treatments at first reflections and rear wall.

The list I've put together is as follows.
Atma-Sphere MP3
Microzotl Linear preamp
Backert labs Rhumba 1.3
Prima Luna Evo 400
I don't have a turntable at this point but would like to add one down the road! I don't listen to headphones and don't see that as an addition. They all fall in the 4k to a little over 5 range. Would like to stay in that ballpark. Musical tastes are all over the map!! Current top artist in Roon is Depeche Mode but Sade is a close second🙂! From the conversation I've had with the listed above, they all say the pres would play nicely with the M700s.
Looking for advice on which may be the best way to go as this is definitely new territory!!
Thanks in advance for your help!!
I agree with @tooblue that the Lamm LL2.1 is excellent. If you're interested, I'd be happy to send you one to evaluate; I find the only way to make these kinds of decisions is to hear it for yourself, in your home, in your system.

- Colin

Lamm Industries dealer
This is my opinion of course and I have owned some of the other preamps mentioned here. The LTA Microzotl preamp is incredible, an endgame preamp.
No question, Don Sachs' new preamp would be at the top of my list of preamps.  I got the 4th one he built several years ago, went through all the excellent upgrades with it, and just now have his newest offering running in.  I can imagine better tube preamps than Don's, but they would cost 3-10X the cost of Don's preamp.  Simply astonishing.  I kinda think that there is magic in employing 6SN7 tubes in a preamp and Don does too.  
Nice part on the Atma-Sphere products is Ralph will update them at a fair price when new updates come out. And new three year warranty when you get an update. Who else does that? Customer Service is as good as you will ever get anywhere. 
Don Sach's tube preamp is phenomenal and costs less than 3K.  I have paired is with a PassLabs X250.5 amplifier and am in audio heaven.  The preamp is great irrespective of cost.  For the money, it is just stupid good.
rongolds suggestion of the Audible Illusions is a good one and if your adding vinyl later the AI Modulas 3B is a no brainer, you have to really spend big bucks to beat their phono sections.
Seem to have some very nice choices already with your list and what others have suggested and have had a few of them myself but let me add 1 more that is in your given budget if you shop it, the Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe. It is a great choice and 1 you will not ever be sorry you bought. Enjoy the music.
Jim, I was in your shoes some 15 years ago. I had a fair solid state setup, but wanted something more. I explored tube preamps and opted for a used Audible Illusions line-stage preamp, cost $500 bucks. When plugged in I was ASTONISHED @ the improvement in the warm quality of the sound and the improved soundstage. I recently upgraded to a NEW Audible Illusions L3B, cost more but still great. The AI has been around 30+ years, lots of used ones about. Has been reviewed in Sterophile and most recently in The Absolute Sound. Check it out, I think you could be pleased. Check my other contributions to the Audiogon Forums to see my total setup.
Probably can't go wrong with any of these but one might differentiate itself in your setup. I owned the Backert Rhumba 1.2 and now own the 1.3 Extreme and to say I am pleased is an huge understatement. The only way to figure it out is to get them in for a demo?
+1 on the BHK; just makes a lot of sense, very fair trade in program if you chose to go new
The amazing Schiit "Freya +" competes with far more costly preamps, and has useful design features rare in any tube preamp let alone those that are far more costly. 
Why not consider the PS audio bhk pre. You should be able to find it used in your price range and there is definitely synergy in using multiple ps audio products