Dipping toes in tube preamp pool!!

Looking for my first tube preamp. Need some advice on my short list of candidates! My system has been put together over a couple of years and stands as follows:
PS audio M700 monoblocks
Innuos Zen MKiii
Bricasti M3
Oppo 203
Ascend Acoustics towers with ribbons.
Room treatments at first reflections and rear wall.

The list I've put together is as follows.
Atma-Sphere MP3
Microzotl Linear preamp
Backert labs Rhumba 1.3
Prima Luna Evo 400
I don't have a turntable at this point but would like to add one down the road! I don't listen to headphones and don't see that as an addition. They all fall in the 4k to a little over 5 range. Would like to stay in that ballpark. Musical tastes are all over the map!! Current top artist in Roon is Depeche Mode but Sade is a close second🙂! From the conversation I've had with the listed above, they all say the pres would play nicely with the M700s.
Looking for advice on which may be the best way to go as this is definitely new territory!!
Thanks in advance for your help!!

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