Different types of cable for bi-wire

Any issue with doing high gauge silver cable for the the high frequencies (24 or 26 AWG), while using a low gauge copper cable for the lower frequencies (like a 10 AWG)? I am thinking if they are the same length there might not be an issue here, but wanted to confirm. Was wondering if there could be any sort of timing issue or other issue with the different conduit. Thanks
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I would highly recommend using the same cable for both, or at least same manufacturer and in similar quality. There’s subtle difference (and sometimes more than subtle) between different cables and manufacturers and you will hear that as a disconnect between midrange and the highs.
"Harmonic Technology used to sell bi-cable (magic series) where one was called "woofer" and one was called "tweeter"."

Many cable companies have sold this and other designs marked "woofer" and "tweeter". A highly respected speaker company says you should only use two separate runs of identical cable. Also, keep in mind some speaker companies have just added the ability to bi-wire as "audio fashion" rather than a specific design. Some speaker companies never added the feature and some have removed it.

The water has always been very muddy and likely will stay that way, so think twice before jumping in.


Harmonic Technology used to sell bi-cable (magic series) where one was called "woofer" and one was called "tweeter". Same construction materials but different gauges. Hope this helps.
I have been biwiring my speakers for over 30 years.  I have always used two runs of the same cable or cables with the same wire gauge and geometry. I have avoided biwire-ready cables because having the bass run and mid/treble run encased in the same jacket allows for too much negative interaction between the two.

+1 on Al's remarks above.
There might be an issue, depending on the impedance characteristics of your speakers and on the length of the cable.

For example, the combined resistance of the two conductors of a 10 foot 26 gauge silver cable is around 3/4 of an ohm. That is about the same as the impedance of many electrostatic speakers in the upper treble region. While some dynamic speakers have impedances in the area of 3 or 4 ohms throughout most of the mid-range and treble regions.

In either of those cases the 3/4 ohm resistance is a significant fraction of the impedance of the speaker at numerous frequencies, and hence it would attenuate those frequencies significantly relative to the frequencies that are handled by the heavy gauge cable.

What matters in all of this is not the fact that less current and power is usually required at high frequencies compared to low frequencies. Rather, what matters is mainly the relation between cable resistance and speaker impedance, throughout the range of frequencies that would be conducted by the particular cable.

-- Al