I liked the Charney Companion speaker I heard with the AER BD3 driver. This is a very lively sounding system with a surprisingly rich sound, not the sort of lean and mean sound one use to hear in single driver systems, and the top end was reasonably smooth and extended. I am betting you will like your speakers a lot after break in. I heard both Companion speakers (one had the AER driver, the other had a Voxativ) driven by single ended 300B amps. The combination worked very well. The little bit of extra lower midrange and upper bass that 300B amps typically provide would help most single driver systems.
Working with custom builders is a good way to get just what you want from your amp, including the choice of premium parts. As for your speakers, there is really not much you can do for DIY upgrade of a speaker without a crossover, except to change wire and binding post as you have done. How about going completely nuts and putting a BD5 in your speaker?