Some manufacturers and individuals believe parts is parts, go to diy audio forums and you'll find vast majority believe measurements tell the whole story. Techies, designers, EE mostly concerned about circuits meeting certain design criteria, most of that has nothing to do with sound quality. Perhaps there is a listening panel or individual, why would you expect them to have golden ears. As a modifier/parts changer I've been inside much equipment, use of generic parts is standard operating procedure. This is reason I no longer purchase most audio components from large corporations, I've found the smaller boutique manufacturers far more engaged with their products sound quality and using boutique parts is part of their voicing process.
I get the parts cost argument, and this may be true for some manufacturers. So, lets say you're going to use a crap load of cheap Chinese resistors because you can get them for .20 cents apiece, this vs. Takman or other reputable resistor, perhaps these closer to $1 apiece, so I'll be generous and say there's fifty of these, so you're telling me that extra cost is not viable! Just for one example, Prima Luna uses the Takman throughout their amps and pre's, these products relatively lower priced in world of high end. The use of cheap parts in crossovers with their relatively low parts count is even more inexplicable.