Thread Title, 2023: Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?
Thread Title, 2022: Audio Science Review = "The better the measurement, the better the sound" philosophy
Answer: No. Nothing has changed. Same stuff, every year. Rinse, repeat.
131 posts
@djones51 ASR doesn’t offer anything of value to us audiophiles. I’ve been there, done that, I’ve bought a 250$ DAC with pristine measurements thinking it would be all I’ll ever need. I’m poor, you see, so it’s easy to fall for ASR ’s claims. "Yaaay I got a great deal and you guys are all morons"
Unfortunately, those claims are utter BS in the real world for anyone who has EARS and actually LISTENS to their equipment. So, I’d rather see ASR as a disservice to the audiophile community, on top of being full with obnoxious (let’s call a cat a cat) members.