Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?

It’s easy to make snide remarks like “yes- I do the opposite of what he says.”  And in some respects I agree, but if you do that, this is just going to be taken down. So I’m asking a serious question. Has ASR actually changed your opinion on anything?  For me, I would say 2 things. I am a conservatory-trained musician and I do trust my ears. But ASR has reminded me to double check my opinions on a piece of gear to make sure I’m not imagining improvements. Not to get into double blind testing, but just to keep in mind that the brain can be fooled and make doubly sure that I’m hearing what I think I’m hearing. The second is power conditioning. I went from an expensive box back to my wiremold and I really don’t think I can hear a difference. I think that now that I understand the engineering behind AC use in an audio component, I am not convinced that power conditioning affects the component output. I think. 
So please resist the urge to pile on. I think this could be a worthwhile discussion if that’s possible anymore. I hope it is. 


Showing 50 responses by somethingsomethingaudio

@amir_asr you say you are one of the most open minded people yet you shut down a thread about Erins audio corner because you said the title was clickbait and people dissenting caused you to throw a hissy fit.

thread in question

I have not once heard you say in your responses here, how you could do things better or where you fell short. That is why you are vilified here and Erin is beloved. you have no modesty and you can't even witness it. 

I almost spewed coffee out my nose reading this. I bet no one here or on Amirs Science Review knows about this old classic: Establishing Differences By The +/- 10% Volume Method 😉. Really glad you've come around on this. Presumably the new, reformed Amir is the real Guru now?

Btw, checked your Madrona site and another classic is still there! Glad you're keeping Bona fides with the hear this, that and the other crowd too.

Amir really needs to respond to this along with why he shuts down discussions on his forum he doesnt like? Ridiculous 

For someone trying to defend their honor, Amir sure is digging this hole deeper. Clearly he wont address the Erin stuff or the old posts Soundfield brought up. If you want to be accurate and thorough, address everything. Literally your reputation is built on objectivity. Address it.

There are scientists who believe in god and preachers who believe in science. Open your mind to the possibilities. It's not either or.

LOL @amir_asr thinks he is done and keeps getting asked why he is rude. Tbh, I appreciate him being willing to answer people but he is shooting himself in the foot. I am a consistent contributor to ASR, which is how I found this. I will say it gives me a lot of hesitancy to give a website the censors speech because someone uses his website to generate interest in their side of the conversation. Shutting down a thread shoots you in the foot. You also claim it doesn't make you any money and you don't do it for the cash so why care if someone benefits from the traffic. The topic of audio integrity is still being talked about. 

Everyone is acting petulant here. Erin in old posts sounds not so nice, Amir isn't nice and he basically admits to being a d!#k. AJ from Soundfield sounds petty too. Makes me want to support none of these fools and enjoy the music on a system I find at Best Buy. 

@amir_asr You and AJ need to have a panel on YouTube or a sound off somewhere. I'd pay to see it. So much sexual tension there. 

Amir, you didn't address your old posts where you didnt level match. Neither of you get to extol the virtues of one thing and then switch mid-race to pretend you always were on the other side. I mean you can but then you both are hypocrites. 

There are some lessons and info to be learned but you both are the reason I dislike the term audiophile and this world in general. You both sell speakers. 

I won't use ASR anymore and I wouldn't buy AJs speakers even you paid me. You two are insufferable. You'd be awesome politicians because you attack the other like kids in the sandbox shoving the other for a toy, not really answering the pertinent questions. 

@texbychoice that's a big part of the problem. If I were to raise some of these issues with measurements or why he hates Erins audio, which to me is fair game if he gets to call his titles clickbait, I would be booted from ASR very quickly.

I do agree this conversation is probably just going nowhere. It's like two sides of the political aisle. 

@soundfield  it is laughable he is doing the very thing he says others should not do. 

@amir_asr how much money have you made from ASR directing traffic to your audio business? That doesnt seem very objective to me. The idea that other people don't monetize off of ASR is bull. Purite audio, Siberg, and many others have their wares that they are constantly promoting. Talking up products they sell and talking down ones they do not. There is no such thing as objectivity I'm afraid.

@amir_asr I dont think he was asking for a book. It would be great to hear about these speakers but you provided no detail other than things like "nice recording" that gives zero insight into what you liked or didnt like.

@amir_asr Yeah you didn’t remove the video but you shut down the discussion about the video, effectively removing it from being bumped to the top. Tomato tomatoe. Censorship at its worst. How much money have you made from ASR referring clients to your business? Or from people reading your content. Traffic is traffic. You are shooting yourself in the foot. I have not posted on ASR which I was actively participating in and getting engaging conversation going, since you took that thread down. His title is not clickbait. This is clickbait. Saying something you clearly do not mean or is meant to just get people to watch and then stating the opposite or changing the videos’s intent.

"I don’t know why the is such hard concept for you to grasp."

@amir_asr Why then did you allow Erin’s video only to close the thread? People aren’t allowed to dissent? I was considering sending you some gear to review that would have filled a nice gap in your informational catalog. Not anymore after I’ve seen how you conduct yourself here.

Clearly you are not here to make friends. 😂

@amir_asr You didn't bother to answer the question I had bolded underlined and in italics. WHY DID YOU CLOSE THE THREAD?!

People do not have to view Erin's video, they can comment on the discussion if they want. You are a hypocrite. 

The fact that you haven't fessed up to one iota of responsibility on your end in this discussion leads me to believe you are in fact narcissistic and have no interest in adopting other view points. 

@amir_asr I wasn’t complaining about the lack of work on the show report, or saying you didn’t put in effort. I was showing you what the other person commented on which you denied. There are sections and booths where you just didn’t add any information on the product. What am I being entitled to? I don't even want more information on the show. I was just citing an example of what you denied. You sense entitlement because people are holding you accountable and you refuse to answer and address basic stuff. This is not going well for you or ASR.

@piaudiol Totally

@soundfield like I said I would pay to see this, and he won't answer you because he has selective hearing. 

@nicsadler  I have no issue with ASR as a whole and it’s message or what the goal is. I think it’s debunked lots of myths in audio and am thankful for it. However Amir’s responses to these questions and how he cherry picks what to respond to leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. That is bias by the very definition of it.

The way I see it is there are three points in this triangle. The ASR folks, who want to be science drive and asses everything as robot in an anechoic chamber. The Audiogon people who listen with their hearts and maybe eyes sometimes. Then there is Gearspace.com of people who are in the professional world and do this for a living. I’ve run many systems in my home space that are meant for professional use in some instances and even the "pros" want different things with non flat responses or the flattest speakers in the world don’t translate mids. There is nuance to everything and I realize the above buckets are over generalizations.

Amir can say what he wants. I have no issue with any of it. I have no issue with him selling speakers he reps on his website. What I do have issue with is him saying its a totally free space and attacking other reviewers on his website because it doesnt match his strict view of science, or he feels they are monetizing like Erin. He goes on to claim he doesnt need the money, and doesnt make money from the site despite the fact that I guarantee that is in no way true. He accepts donations.

If you’re gonna base your credibility on hard facts, don’t contradict yourself and then not answer to it. With the cherry on top being he acts like a jerk much of the time.

True heroes admit they could be wrong, and are open to interpretation. IMO. I haven’t one time throughout this entire conversation say hey there is validity to what someone is saying. It’s: "Nope you’re wrong!" That is ridiculous.

P.S. Libel always is the last point people go to. This is an online forum. Not a court of law. Better call in Clarence Thomas.

@nicsadler Thanks for your reply. Hope you and your doggo have a great walk. Enjoy. 

What speakers do you use? Out of curiosity.

@nicsadler I don’t disagree with you. Some people have been ridiculous here, and I’ve addressed it. @soundfield doesn’t get my business because from my perspective they are being petty and passive aggressive.

With that being said I don’t get Amir is taking that tone here as he did with you in email. I understand he is being prodded from all angles, but don’t make claims you can’t back up.

All I have wanted answered from @amir_asr is how he can claim to allow Erin’s video, be open to the discussion, call something that innocuous click bait and then close the thread so no more information can be had from it. I like top lists. I think they get to a core of what we all want. The best. He is in complete contradiction to himself and inviting more attacks by claiming he is one thing and then doing another. He literally replied to my reply and sidestepped my request to answer a simple question time and time again.

It comes across as snooty and worse. Kind of like how Ellen Degeneres had a talk show where she purported to be a good person who cares and then behind the scenes wasnt nice. It wasnt a well kept secret and I could see it all over her. Not saying he is approaching her level of nastiness, but the conditions are similar where he is evangelizing himself and not realizing how down right condescending he sounds. It’s gross.

This whole conversation has turned me off of audio. I come here to discuss and learn about great sound. I use all of my senses and my brain and data to do that. I don’t come here to discuss politics and it feels like I am an independent in a two party system. You calling me a thin skinned true believer supports that. I don’t even know what a true believer is. I believe it what I like and enjoy. Period.

@soundfield ​​@amir_asr Make love and get it over with already. I could cut the sexual tension with a knife! You two are so excited for the other.

@soundfield I am seeing libel and slander thrown around all the time. Read up on some legal precedent. I am not in the living room of MKR and have no way of verifying your relationship with him. Not one thing I said on this thread is fact. They are my stated opinions and a lot of other people thought the search was bs on asr. This is a forum not a news corporation saying the voting machines were tampered with. It’s my feeling and suspicion.

As I stated earlier no way I’d buy your speakers based on how you behave here and I’m not supporting Amir anymore. You both are what’s wrong with audio companies and dealers. The above is my opinion.

@texbychoice not only that but Amir himself profits from it by constantly promoting revel products. How do I know this? Well I once early on before I knew better was interested in his company and thought maybe I’d grab a pair of revels from him. He does exactly what he forbids others from doing. Allegedly. 

@curtdr This thread exists and in such a prolific form for a reason. I am not entirely sure why but there is a lot of history there. If Amir would just answer some basic questions, people wouldnt be so frustrated, including myself. 

@amir_asr You did not read anything I wrote and you didn’t answer 🤣. I asked why you closed the thread. Closing the thread is in essence censoring the video because you’re butt hurt at anyone posting his content to your website. That post will now sink to the bottom and not be seen.

You just said if people are rude on ASR they are shown the door. Well you better show yourself the door. This was your comment on the top 5 discussion.

“Hate clickbait titles like that. It seems every second there is another like that. This whole monetization business drives creators to make so many of these.”

Hate is a strong word and it contributes nothing to the conversation about the speakers which was the topic, in a speaker subsection of your website. Your comment derailed the discussion and then you shut it down like people were acting out of line the responses defending him received way more likes than yours and you got into a huff.

People were rude in the other thread about AJs speakers which I think you let go on because you don’t like Soundfield or AJ. You never shut it down until it was too late and everyone was hostile. For the record I don’t have a dog in this fight, as I think that speaker search was suspect and I have a feeling was AJ trying to post his product on your website by some other member. I see both sides of this and how people can take advantage of forums to self promote. Erin’s video was not that. Doug Demuros car videos are put up on Reddit all the time and not removed because it adds another perspective and gets people talking on Reddit. All you are doing is alienating fans of yours by how you behave here. I was a fan up until this point.

I post on your website I won’t disclose my username because I don’t want retribution.

To repeat you did not answer me. Not on that question and you didn’t answer me on how much money you personally make for your business promoting your own reviews of products you sell on your website and forum.



@rowlocktrysail fully agree. I love objectively good audio equipment. It’s a bit like ice cream. Yeah I can measure the ingredients and ratios to know it’s ice cream and not yogurt but some taste better than the others. The study of the mind is still indeed science but it’s not as exacting as say electrical engineering. And yes speakers are electric signals into acoustic ones but we measure ultimately what’s good via a subjective device. 

@amir_asr You continue to ignore my questions surrounding why Erin’s video thread was closed and locked? Please don’t reply with you didn’t take down the video. I never insinuated that. I want to know why you closed a thread you detailed yourself.

As for the monetizing your business, my point was when I first found your website and liked the reviews I found Madrona and saw that you carry them. If I’ve done that others have. You mean to tell me you have never earned a single penny from a commercial or residential contract for your brick and mortar business that was referred by ASR. I find that highly improbable.

If you don’t care about money which I again don’t believe or one millisecond, and it’s not a motivator then why do you care if a video from YouTube is on your website. It only gives you more users and traffic. Puzzling.


@amir_asr WTF are you even saying. Don't twist my words around. I didn't say that. No I dont agree. You never answered me. Why are those threads allowed but that one is closed? Show me where the answer is. You are delusional. 

Per usual you not pick the one thing I didn’t mean literally. I didn’t mean brick and mortar in the sense you sell speakers out of a store front I meant more it’s a physical service and product you sell. Still I’m dubious you’ve never made money off it. You did buy your own admission say that you sell speakers from traffic you get on your website.

@amir_asr I’ve lost count at this point how many times you’ve avoided answering me. Last time I will ask. Why did you close down the thread for the top 5 if you don’t care about money? A thread you torpedoed. It was going fine until you said you “hate” clickbait titles which is a laughable label. 

@soundfield I’ve got an idea. You send Amir a set of speakers to measure and he submits to a listening test. Trade. 


@amir_asr If you think Purite Audio and Siberg and others arent on your site so they can promote their product, you are delusional. How is that different? Purite is constantly commenting negatively on gear he doesnt stock for gear he does. Siberg is an actual company and they are in essence promoting their design in plain sight. How is that different?

@amir_asr Humor me and show me where you answered why you took down the thread? Simply because it’s a YouTube video and you don’t let creators benefit from ASR traffic?

Why is this one allowed then?

And this one

Annnnd this one

How are all of these allowed but that one is not? Just look at how many likes someone defending Erin got compared to yours. Even your own users don’t agree with you on this one. Your feelings got hurt and you took it out on the thread. How objective of you!

I couldn’t care less how much money you make, and I have no interest in running an audio website so no I think me projecting is way off base.

@amir_asr Didnt see the question and I still dont but I, unlike you, will answer. I dont need to post it. The thread has been linked many times on here and this post is about you and your practices.

Can you please point me to you answering me why you took Erin’s post down?WHY ARE THOSE ALLOWED TO REMAIN UP BUT THE TOP 5 NEEDS TO BE SHUT DOWN?

Put up or...I wonder how many times Amir has been wrong ever. I am guessing close to zero.

Eff it. Here is the video. Would love to hear if others agree with Amir that this is clickbait. I found it informative. 

More than happy to give Erin more views. 

@yowser John Wick?! More like John D...

He has managed to alienate me, when I was a pretty big fan before. Plus I am still on ASR and will just continue to post while subverting the norm. He thinks he is the second coming of Jesus for audio and loves the smell of his own farts.

@amir_asr Is great at deflecting. Thats about it.

@mahgister sounds like my experience.

I am not in this cult , i think when i read... I dont read only Hans Van Maanen by the way...And anyway all his work is founded on psycho-acoustic, among other thing funmdamental, the psycho-acoustic fact behind Oppenheim and Magnasco experiments you NEVER EXPLAINED NOR COMMENTED HERE EVEN AFTER I SUGGESTED IT 5 TIMES....

You could not because this will demoslish your pretense to capture the audible qualities through measurements... And you could no more bash audiophiles for their ignorance which is an half truth, because they ignore acoustic most of them but at least they trust their ears even if they go in the wrong direction ( upgrading with the wrong purchases) by lack of information...Anyway even your "disciples" trust their ears at some point... Your analysis of gear dont cause any unanimous acceptation for sure...

It is more easy for you with dac, less easy for amplifier, and way less confortable with speakers/room... More you go near the human hearings the more difficult it is to impose your analysis tools... At the end even yourself know and you said it that hearing must be used...

Curious what @amir_asr would say about this. Considering he is in his mid 60s, he clearly has compromised hearing an maybe that's why he doesnt do listening tests.

Do others think that audiophiles are wasting money on any higher end gear because of hearing loss with age?

And clearly Amir doesn’t need money. He lives in a $3million house!

@amir_asr its funny business you think you dont answer purposefully. Are you and @soundfield going to kiss and make up?

Must be nice living in that $3 million castle of yours acting like the king of audio.

I have tested and listened to nearly 300 speakers now.  Regardless of who makes it, when a speaker is neutral, it puts a huge smile on my face!  It just sounds right.  

Above is the only hope we have of standardization in audio.  If production of music is done in neutral settings, then we can have the same in our home and for the first time hear what was heard in the production of said music.  We can always put salt and pepper on that if needed with equalization to our preference.

This is *the* most important thing to learn about proper sound reproduction in our room.  

If this were true then every audio engineer, producer and mixer would use the same speakers. They all want neutral. They all want something that comes close to it. It is important but the most important I would say is misguided. Take a trip over to gearspace.com and see the multitude of threads that exists by the people who create all of the audio and voicing we hear in music and audio today. They still are in search of speakers that do what they need. Fit their room, go as low as they need to, and have voicing they need showing the mix in the orignized way they want. Some mix on Harbeths, B&W and others like a more modern take with Genelec. 

That is like saying all cookies should taste the same. They need to have the same ratio of ingredients and follow the same approach. So many ways to cut it, and they are good starting points, but the end result and the journey to get there are the experience we all enjoy. 

@amir_asr Then what is @soundfield talking about when he says you have never participated in a blind test outside of your own?

@soundfield now you’re not answering his questions and addressing measurements for your speakers. Saying you feel sorry for his family is pretty low. Not a good look. 

@soundfield you heard the man. Show us some measurements. It is odd I couldnt find any checking now. 

To be fair to both of you, you both are to me, the worst that audio has to offer. Neither of you have provided answers. 

@amir_asr still hasn't answered why he closed the thread. AJ needs to post some proof his speakers are worthy of ASR. LOL

@yowser @laoman He reminds me of a lot of people with NPD, hopefully this will serve as a testament to not support his "cause." He thinks he is the second coming. I think he is now using this thread to spread the gospel of ASR. Hope it gets to 1,000 posts so people know who he is.

Like I said before religion and science can co-exist bolstering one another. So much we don’t know. I am really glad I don’t fall in either camp of subjective or objective. I can be both or either.

@cleeds seriously? Soundfield has been so passive aggressive. Neither has responded to the other. I’ve seen a lot of true colors I don’t like. 

And Amir keeps proselytizing while avoiding any real questioning. Don’t let him get the last word. He’s only here to pump asr. We get that you’re science based

It is like Amir and AJ own warring gas stations and throw matches at the other person. Neither of you answer. 

@soundfield I do not see measurements.