Diana Krall Survey

A friend of mine is working the new Diana Krall release (first download track and cover art available tomorrow) for Verve Records. I mentioned that Audiogon has some devoted DK fans and he said he'd love to get any feedback that anyone might provide. So any comments (music, artwork, etc.) are appreciated.


Contraltos in general are a relatively hard sell for female vocals I think. Contralto is the lowest normal range for a female singer I believe, making it the least distinguished from male vocals. A contralto has to up the ante in other complimentary ways more so usually to score with the masses I think. I have seen Lady Gaga and Katy Perry categorized as contraltos, though contralto is a classical music voice designation technically. I think Diana Krall is no different. Sometimes she does and succeeds, sometimes she just relies on her vocal chops alone which is a tougher sell, at least for me.
I still can't believe this gorgeous creature is married to Elvis Costello !!!!
Shes actually looks better in photos than she really does. A great vocal talent.
Saw her in concert a few years back, it was one of the most memorable concerts we've been too. The high light was her Jazz numbers, the entire audience was swinging and grooving.