Diamond dome tweeters

Who has heard diamond dome tweeters like the Seas Excel T29D001 going for $6k a pair? Is this what the super high end speakers are using? It sure does look fancy. 


This was the only Seas Diamond reference I found:


I have used several Seas drivers.  They are very nice with different sonic signatures.  I build and then re-built a set of speakers for a project (2 towers and a center).  For the last rebuild, I considered using the Seas diamond, but at $6k per pair, they were just too expensive.  I ended up using the Seas Excel T29B001 Beryllium, which were excellent!

That the tweeter is flat to 600 hz is impressive, but for what a $35,000 pair of 2 ways? The diamond dust deposit usher does is completely different than this seas excel. I'm starting to think the engineers at seas are running out of ideas.

Oh, I think Crystal Cable made speakers using the Seas diamond, and JA at Stereophile did an absolute crap job reviewing it.

The Seas Excel motors are a whole other caliber of driver vs. the B&W.  Two other diamond dome makers I know of are Jantzen (not sure if in production) and Accuton.  I trust Troels ears a great deal, and he described the Jantzen diamond tweets like I describe the Mundorf AMTs so...


I’m not a fan of the overall sound of B&W speakers, but I have to say I was impressed with the tweeter in the 804 and 802D3. I can’t seem to ever warm up to most metal-dome tweets that almost always grate on me at some level, but I got none of that with their diamond tweet. I personally think Usher crushes B&W on every level and also make their own drivers, so I’m finding myself very interested in hearing their newer speakers with both a diamond tweeter AND midrange drivers.