Decoupling cartridges from tone arms

Houdini-Cartridge De-Coupler

Has any one tried a product that’s like this before cause I do not know if it will actually work or benefit my set up 

Set up: SME Model 20/2, Tone arm is the Kuzma 4point9 used with the Dynavetore XV-1s  

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Try the one made by Origin Live. It is much cheaper., $35 I think. I haven’t tried it but its on my list. Does it work? I don’t know. But $35 is affordable and OL makes arms that punch way above their price point. And they are well thought out.


BTW @ebm 

Are you speaking from experience or speculation?

I use needle-nose pliers.

They work good when removing cartridge leads and I'm speaking from experience.

I use a Cartridgeman Isolator between my Zyx Universe and Dynavector DV507 MkII tonearm: wouldn’t want to miss it.

I do like this idea and agree up to a point. My question has to do with those two screws that attach your cartridge to the headshell. Unless I missed something they would have to be isolated as well, or else vibration is transmitted right up those two screws and on they go. 

The Origin Live one is gushy enough to fine tune azimuth. Recommended.

I tried the Cartridgeman the last time this came up here.

Pushed my VTA to the limit. Uninstalled. I got better sound with a Soundsmith Wood Head shell.