DACs for older gear

A seemingly knowledgeable poster at the Bryston thread of AudioAficionado suggested that the DAC process of my Bryston SP3 is older technology and that my Oppo 205 has a better DAC that I might use.  The SP3 has a number of features that make it flexible, including lots of balanced ports so I'm reluctant to discard it.  It appears as though DACs that accept HDMI input that I might use in front of the SP3 are rare -- I've read the licensing fees for HDMI are very expensive.  Is there an obvious solution?  Other than for the 205 and SP3, I've moved to the Ayre 5X series for stereo.   
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I've settled on separate stereo and HT setups.  The stereo setup uses Ayre 5X Twenty components with KEF Ref 1s.  The HT setup uses the Oppo 205 and NAD amps with 6 KEF LS50s.  Each setup has a pair of subs.  The setups reside in a single rack, but share no cables.

The stereo setup is used mostly for Roon, the HT setup for Cox Cable.

I compared two channel Oppo 205 analog out to that of Bryston SP3 and I could not hear any major or minor differences - it was too close to make any call. I did this after careful level matching (which was toughest part) and got my girlfriend to change connection to the amps. I used 3 scenarios

1. Oppo 205 direct to Amp using XLR analog out and Oppo vol control (no SP3 in setup)
2a. Oppo 205 analog out into SP3 RCA analog in (one of few which has bypass); SP3 XLR out connected to amp
2b. Oppo 205 digital in to Bryton SP3 ->amp

I level matched with SPL meter. My Salon2 speakers were set to Large (in both 205 and SP3) so disabled any bass management.

For CD and hi-rez (LPCM actually), I strained to hear differences.

At end of it all, I use bass management so SP3 offers best flexibility for me to use it as a hub. Also my SP3 is the latest model which has multichannel USB in (besides latest 4K module)- I spent $$ for it.

Oppo 205 is fantastic kit- and if one has simple setup with only one source- you do not need a HT processor and Oppo 205 would do. If you have HT setup, and multiple sources, then you do need a processor, and leveraging latest Bryston SP3 is a no brainer.

Edit: My Oppo 205 is modded unit with Oppomod LPS and Clock mods. 

Hope this helps,
I use balanced output from the Ayre DX-5 DSD to the KX-5/20 preamp for stereo, and have pretty much turned to the Oppo 205 for surround and HT with front LR passed through balanced analog to the KX-5, and surround to a pair of NAD C 268 Class D amps.

If frostdotcom is correct, I might connect the audio HDMI from the Ayre DX-5 to the SP3 for surround and HT.  I can then switch the NAD amps between XLR from the SP3 and RCA from the 205 to determine which I prefer.

Your Ayre DX-5 DSD is a universal disc player (bluray player) therefore has HDMI outputs to connect to either an AV preamp surround processor or an AV receiver for surround processings of your bluray & DVD movies. 

High end two-channel DACs or streamer/DAC or high end stereo gears in general would not have HDMI. 

HDMI is usually for AV (audio video) or HT uses. 
The bryston sp3 is still sold and sounds absolutely fabulous.  dac technology is very mature and has sounded great for many many years.  I still have a meridian dac from the 90s that is wonderful sounding.  
The SP3 is now disconnected and will join the pile of components I need to sell, so the issue for me is moot.  My goal is to simplify, because I mostly use Roon to play files from Qobuz and Tidal, and files I've ripped or downloaded.  Ethernet to the QX-5/20 is superb for that.  I rarely spin a disc anymore.  I did add an Audible Illusions Modulus 3 preamp to use with my Thorens TD 124/SME III/Ortofon 30H, but that's just playing with icons of my youth.

HDMI inputs are relatively rare in “High End” gear .  I bought the Bryston DAC 3 because it offered HDMI inputs.  Before that I experimented using an older AVR in my two channel system as a preamp, with digital out to my power Amp.  Since the power amp has only 1 set of inputs, this sidelined my expensive pre amp, but perhaps a Pre amp with HT bypass would solve that.
My Ayre QX-5/20 digital hub has ethernet, USB, S/PDIF, and optical audio inputs, but no HDMI.  I use ethernet for Roon and will try optical from the Oppo 205.  Strange that although my Ayre DX-5 DSD has HDMI output ASFAIK no Ayre component has HDMI input.
The DAC/DSP board in the Bryston DP3 is indeed not the best solution, in my opinion.  It is an off-the-shelf DAC/DSP/Processing board made by Momentum Data Systems.  While it is extremely convenient for a company like Bryston to use as the basis for their processor, I believe it's compromised when compared to dedicated DAC systems.  The Bryston BDA-3 DAC is significantly superior over this.  The Momentum DSP board is meant as a pretty good all-in-one DSP/DAC solution for a front end to a processor.
For two channel, I use a Bryston DAC3 with my Oppo 105 and send DSD over HDMI.
Multichannel DACs are another kettle of fish.  I would check out Kal Rubinson’s columns over the past few years in Stereophile and the exesound brand