DACs for older gear

A seemingly knowledgeable poster at the Bryston thread of AudioAficionado suggested that the DAC process of my Bryston SP3 is older technology and that my Oppo 205 has a better DAC that I might use.  The SP3 has a number of features that make it flexible, including lots of balanced ports so I'm reluctant to discard it.  It appears as though DACs that accept HDMI input that I might use in front of the SP3 are rare -- I've read the licensing fees for HDMI are very expensive.  Is there an obvious solution?  Other than for the 205 and SP3, I've moved to the Ayre 5X series for stereo.   
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Showing 2 responses by mahler123

For two channel, I use a Bryston DAC3 with my Oppo 105 and send DSD over HDMI.
Multichannel DACs are another kettle of fish.  I would check out Kal Rubinson’s columns over the past few years in Stereophile and the exesound brand
HDMI inputs are relatively rare in “High End” gear .  I bought the Bryston DAC 3 because it offered HDMI inputs.  Before that I experimented using an older AVR in my two channel system as a preamp, with digital out to my power Amp.  Since the power amp has only 1 set of inputs, this sidelined my expensive pre amp, but perhaps a Pre amp with HT bypass would solve that.