I would be careful about what you read on D/A chips. This is not a good criteria for selecting a DAC. Some of the older chips actually sound best. I wanted to use the AKM chip myself in a new DAC, but I found it to be too electronic sounding. A result of the switched capacitors I think. Good chips abound from many manufacturers, including Analog Devices, TI and Wolfson. The implementation of the DAC is more important than the D/A chip as long as they didnt pick a poor one. It is actually more important to avoid bad Digital Filtering, too many analog stages, poor op-amp design (not all bad) etc.. Low jitter of the digital source interface is actually the most important thing to look for.
Best thing is to read reviews and listen to it yourself if possible.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Best thing is to read reviews and listen to it yourself if possible.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio