Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.

It seems that his thread has devolved into a game of who can post the most links or repeat their argument the most times.  I will not play that game, but rest assured, if I did, there are tens of thousands of readily available references documenting the effectiveness of the vaccine and its safety.  I have looked at all of the posted links in this thread and addressed some already, but it seems that most of them are now links to politically motivated right wing propaganda sites.  Sorry for the length, but I am not sitting here ready to reply to each and every post as it is made.   Posting the sources can help to elucidate the motivation.  For instance:


NOQreport is It is considered a far right low credibility, conspiracy theory site by:


Since September 2020 Rumble has been part-owned by none other than Dan Bongino a right wing political figure and host of Fox news “Unfiltered”.  I wonder what his motivations are?


Mahgister, your link:


seems to be in direct contradiction to your proposal that only the elderly and infirm should receive vaccines against CV-19.  The data analyzed in this paper in figure 7 shows VAERS reported deaths from 2017,18,19, and 2020 compared to this year’s data as of April 1 2021.  There is a large rise in VAERS 2021 death reports.  The data from Jan 2021 through April 2021 would in large part be represented by the over 75 age group, which were among the first to be approved for vaccinations in the US.  If the vaccine was responsible for this increase in VAERS death reports, maybe the old and infirm should be excluded from vaccinations?   But, alas, even the authors conclude that of the 250 of these 1600 deaths that they tried to find an actual clinical cause of death for, only 13 of these 250 cases (5%) implicated the vaccine as the most likely cause of death.  VAERS does not in any way claim that post vaccination death reports were in any way related to the vaccination.  To make that assumption is incorrect as detailed on the VAERS site itself.


And, last for today,  a medical paper written by a population health geographer (raise your hand if you knew there was such a profession?) and a high school student.


Almost the whole left end of their international data scatterplot is driven by 19 African countries with very low vax rates, but there are a host of reasons why the rates of Covid-19 infection are exceedingly low in Africa, among them are: early border closures, 55% rural, just 3% over the age of 65, open air ventilation in homes, very low median age of 19.7 years, lower expression of ACE-2 receptor which is the gateway for lung infection, and far fewer pre-existing conditions like diabetes, hypertension etc.  Without those dubious data points clustered to the lower left, the trendline would have the opposite and expected slope.  Here is a link that explains the reason for low Covid cases in Africa.


As the health geographist’s medical paper continues, the premise of the US analysis seems to be akin to trying to learn how to raise cattle by studying ground beef.  Studying single time point case increases county by county in a situation where the case number profile has looked like 50 different roller coaster profiles at the state level, let alone county level has obvious limitations.  There are huge demographic variations in counties – population density, rural vs. urban, proximity to medical facility and case reporting, affordability for care, etc.  To chop the data into small pieces and not analyze these parameters seems extremely shortsighted.  But the author is a geographer, and as is often said “to a man with a hammer most things look like nails”.  The recent surge of the Delta variant has altered the curves, and increased infection rates.  The vaccination efficacy as well as natural immunity have been declining over time further muddying up this analysis.


VAERS is continually brought up.  VAERS data does NOT link the adverse effects or deaths as being CAUSED by vaccinations.  It says so on their site.  Any claims making this assumption are in error.  Finally, a link of my own from the Nebraska School of Medicine about this.


I will not likely participate further in this thread as it has become clear that no one will change their minds regarding vaccination.  It has certainly been an interesting exercise, but sadly little more than a pointless exercise. 

Congratulations on missing the point entirely if you take a county hard hit by Covid then give it vaccines and the Covid cases decline it will still look like cases are high in the county if you take them as a whole that is before and after vaccinations.  Also one of your authors appears to be a high school student.

One final set of comments.  “early in 2020….When the sick and dead did not pile up anywhere near what we were told..”  Oh, but they have far exceeded those early death and case rate estimates.


“It responds to some or all of the various molecular shapes that comprise the virus”.   The immune system responds to the proteins/macromolecules expressed on the surface of the viral envelope/coat.


I agree, native immunity is likely better than vaccinated immunity, but to achieve it, you need to risk your life and become infected.


“But then some years ago the definition changed!”  No, science advanced to the point where we can readily synthesize proteins and macromolecules to use as an antigens.  We no longer need to risk patients lives by using attenuated viruses.  We no longer need to be limited to roots and plant extracts for medications since we can synthesize specific drug compounds to use as drugs also.  The original polio vaccine production and usage were temporarily halted when children were killed by improperly attenuation in one of the production facilities that manufactured the vaccine in the 1950s.


“The truth is that by any honest scientifically based definition the so-called "vaccines" are not vaccines at all”.   Not sure how you come up with that truth, so I will assume it belongs to you and you alone.  Everyone else in the entire whole world agrees and refers to the mRNA vaccines as vaccines.  We discussed this before, and I am surprised you keep bringing it up.


“Go do a little research, learn about mRNA. Messenger RNA is like a genetic program that tells the DNA in your cell nucleus to make something. In this case it is telling your cells to make a molecule that resembles covid.”   Again, not correct at all.  Under normal circumstances our the DNA in our nuclei codes for and synthesizes specific human mRNAs in the nucleus.  The mRNA is then transported out of the nucleus into the cytosol where your protein synthesis apparatus begins to make human protein off of the instructions of the mRNA strand.  The resulting protein is used inside the cell or shipped outside of the cell for use elsewhere as necessary.  In the case of the mRNA vaccine, the mRNA vaccine coding for the Covid spike protein is injected and the lipid vesicle mRNA “package” allows the mRNA to penetrate the lipid cell membranes of human cells.  The mRNA directly enters the cytoplasm of a human cell and utilizes the human cell protein synthesis machinery to make spike protein which is shipped out into the extracellular space/bloodstream, where your immune system recognizes it and mounts an immune response to the Covid spike protein.  The mRNA never enters you nuclei, and never alters your DNA in any way.   Your nucleus and your DNA simply is not involved in this process.  The mRNA is so labile that it gets degraded by your cells within hours.

@jond   Thank you for a breath--a gust--of fresh air in this often stifling thread.  It's reaffirming to discover there are some level-headed people out there.
The spike protein is toxic and dont stay in the arm....

Nobody knows the long term effect of this new technology which is not what we called a vaccines in the past...

You seems to know that this technology is safe BEFORE any long term experiments...Are you God or Dr.Fauci? I prefer to listen to Dr. Robert malone cautiousness who is against forceful mass vaccination...He created this technology and guess what? Perhaps he knows better than your conformist and preaching rant behing corporate interests...

The truth is nobody KNOWS....Save God....

No, science advanced to the point where we can readily synthesize proteins and macromolecules to use as an antigens. We no longer need to risk patients lives by using attenuated viruses.
Science new drugs are in no way able to replace the illimited numbers of new molecules in nature....

My point all along has never been political , i live in quebec not US...And in quebec also forced vaccination is the insane "politic"...I cannot buy ivermectin here also nor look for a doctor able to prescribe me a treatment because they are ALL in fear to loose their permit to works... Do you know that?

My point is the FORCEFUL MANDATE TO MASS VACCINATION is stupid and irrational....Especially when treatment exist for most of us which are not in the risks groups : young people and people under 70, or those with an healthy immune system...

Treatments were censored....This is a FACT....

Then promoting mass vaccination like you did is unqualified irrationality or programmed politically...

The only rational solutions are using vaxx for at risk people and low cost treatments for the others...

Using fears and force and pressure to use ONLY vaxx is CRIMINAL and pure stupidity....

Your discourse about the " all powerful" new science cannot replace reason and common sense...

You can mimic reason with untruth like vaxx are safe , but you cannot replace it...We dont know yet if these vaxx are safe sorry....

Then in a pandemy we must use these vaxx with cautions for the  groups at  risk, never ever MASSIVELY....Treatments exist why erasing them ? 

Between you and me the politically driven one is you.... Trump boast to have created these vaxx and Biden force everyone to be jab.... The 2 are complete lunatics....