Cornwall IVs with Yamaha a-s1200

Any thoughts on pairing Cornwall IVs with a Yamaha a-s1200? I've always used tubes, but was curious about this combination. Thanks.


The Primaluna EVO 400 power and pre used to drive my Cornwall 4’s. They were making impressive sound. I still have those amps in the closet.

@jasonbourne71 Respectfully, that wasn't the question I asked. I think price to speaker value is a worthy conversation, but in this instance it couldn't be further from my mind.

1200, 2200, 3200 are more tubey sounding SS amps...without sacrificing the detail lost to tubes and without the sloppy/floppy bass of tubes.

(best of both worlds)

Give approx. 150+ hrs of burn-in...significant sonic changes happen with burn-in of these amps.