Comparison of various subwoofers for 2 channel audio

I have a 2 channel audio system, and I appreciate how subwoofers have augmented the sound quality of my system (with electrostatic speakers).  I currently am using a pair of Martin Logan Balanced Force 212 subwoofers, but I’m thinking about adding more subwoofers for a total of four in order to help balance the low frequency sound waves.  I’m considering adding a pair of Rythmik, SVS, or perhaps Velodyne subwoofers to the system.  Does anyone have experience with many of those brands, and how well they integrate with electrostatic speakers in a 2 channel system, or perhaps should I just get a second pair custom built with certain specifications?  


I’m using a pair of Rythmik subs, F12SE-XLR3 and A370XLR3 amp with Magnepan 3.7i. I use an analog crossover at 60Hz. I started with one and it made a huge difference. A second sub was even better. They give the music a texture and a weight that was simply missing before. 



I have two rythmik F12. One is by the right speaker, the other in the middle of the left sidewall. The time delay of the F12 allows for such placement.

I have two REL SHO subwoofers.  I located them in the left and right corners behind the front speakers.  I decided to go with REL’s because of the high level connection.  The hook up to the left and right speaker channels and play the woofers to extend the bass smoothly.  I am playing them at 40% volume.  I  do not like the sound of boomy bass.  They sound natural and just fill in the bass.

My local dealer recommended a Velodyne sub, sealed box, servo controlled.  So I am on my second one, the DD-12.  I really like it and it fills out the bottom end for my Maggie 3.7's.  Those are all respected brands you are thinking about.  Get one that has room correction that you can override.  Then spend time listening and tweaking.

Rythmik and velodyne are both excellent options.  I think u want something servo controlled to match the speed of the electrostatic.  Rythmik has a pretty detailed write-up on this on their website.