Combination streamer and music server…without DAC

Re. Combination streamer and music server without DAC:  There don’t seem to be too many of these out there and when I do see them, they tend to be quite pricey (Aurender N20).  I would like to use the DAC on my CD player.  I’m looking for something used, between $3K and $4K.  I suppose Lumin is an option by purchasing an L1 storage unit but I’m trying to avoid having another box.  I have about 300 to 400 cd’s.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.




Agree with benzman, When we bought the Luxman integrated amp we learned about Melco music streamers, which is imported by Luxman America. As mentioned they are big in Europe and Asia, and made in Japan with Japanese sourced components. We have  the N-100 playing through a Luxman DA 150 DAC.

Highly satisfied with this combination, and worth looking into.


8th-note;  I will try your experiment (i will substitute a desktop for laptop for ripping).       One thing I have noticed is that red book playback, at least with my set-up, is superior to streaming with Qobuz.  Just to let everyone know my present set-up is mbl corona CD player / dac with a Sonora UltraRendu + EtherRegen unit.  My wife has been after me for sometime to get rid of my cd collection.

Post removed 

I support your willingness to try the computer approach prior to spending hard earned cash.

Congrats on your retirement.

@russellrcncom :

Just to let everyone know my present set-up is mbl corona CD player / dac with a Sonora UltraRendu + EtherRegen unit.

It looks like you have a streamer, the UltraRendu (Sonore). That info was absent in your OP. Very versatile streamer, DLNA, SqueezeLite, Spotify Connect, and most importantly, Roon Ready. Not sure if you have Roon or not. Assuming your CD Player / DAC has an USB input (it sounds like it does), your job is to:

1 - Rip your CDs, and

2 - Have them stored them somewhere, in a hard drive, NAS, or anything that can "serve". Meaning that can be seen and pulled through from your ultraRendu web interface.

So you need a "server". The streamer part is taken care by the Sonore UltraRendu. A computer would do the job as a server, and in the absence of a proper, purpose built server to listen to and compare with (i.e. Aurender, or Innuos), it will sound just fine. It will get you started. Bottom line is that you already have isolation / separation between a potentially noisy computer and your streamer (ultraRendu). Which is a very good first step (vs. streaming directly from a general purpose computer to the DAC via direct USB connection)

After a long selection period, including a long hearing session comparing Innuos Zenith to 432 Evo Aeon, I got a Zenith MK3 and I am very happy with it. So my recommendation in the price range would be the Zenith.

You can run Qobuz with the Innuos Sense App.  The Sense App sounds better than Roon AND the are no subscription fees.

Rip your files in WAV not FLAC, it definitely sounds better.

Innuos has an Off-line mode that stops the ethernet input from adding noise when playing stored files.  It will bring you much closer to your CD player.

Save some money for an Ethernet filter like the EVO for the last leg.  I am using a SOtM CAT7u, for me it was better than the ENO Ag.

If you don't have a LPS for the EtherRegen your missing out.

Leaning towards the Innuos.  I like the EVO too but when reading reviews I’m seeing something about altering the sound by playing back in a different musical key?  I’ve posted my opinion on the EtherRegen elsewhere but to repeat, in my set-up it neither adds or subtracts from the sound.  I noticed no difference.





I went from a substantially tricked out Mac Mini to an InnuOS Zenith Mk3 and the difference wasn’t small. Digital audio is all about power supplies and superior clocking. Can you try and run your computer from an audiograde LPS? Alternatively use a streamer to check: I doubt that playback from a NAS or harddisk via your Asus shows you the full potential of your very good DAC and downstream equipment.

@antigrunge2 I have a MUTEC Ref 10 on the EtherRegen and SOtM switches.

@russellrcncom I haven't seen that review,  the ENO filter is beneficial in terms of relaxing the presentation and reducing noise (better detail and blackness).  It was better than a SOtM Cat7 but not better than the Cat7u in my system.

I am hoping to see an explanation how it can change the key!


In my case I'm not sure what good it would do to upgrade the power supply for my computer because a song streamed from Qobuz sounds the same as a CD played through my PSA transport and DAC. I would not expect a Qobuz stream to sound better than a CD played through the same DAC. Have you tried comparing a CD of the same version found on Qobuz (or Tidal)? Does the streamed version actually sound better than the CD through the same DAC? That would really surprise me if that was the case.

@russellrcncom I have ripped my entire CD collection (over 4000) and can make some recommendations about how to do this most efficiently. You are welcome to message me if you would like to know what I learned in this process.


my streaming sounds better than my InnuOS Zenith Mk3 SSD. That may be a function of ripping.