Combination streamer and music server…without DAC

Re. Combination streamer and music server without DAC:  There don’t seem to be too many of these out there and when I do see them, they tend to be quite pricey (Aurender N20).  I would like to use the DAC on my CD player.  I’m looking for something used, between $3K and $4K.  I suppose Lumin is an option by purchasing an L1 storage unit but I’m trying to avoid having another box.  I have about 300 to 400 cd’s.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.




Showing 2 responses by rikkipuu

You can run Qobuz with the Innuos Sense App.  The Sense App sounds better than Roon AND the are no subscription fees.

Rip your files in WAV not FLAC, it definitely sounds better.

Innuos has an Off-line mode that stops the ethernet input from adding noise when playing stored files.  It will bring you much closer to your CD player.

Save some money for an Ethernet filter like the EVO for the last leg.  I am using a SOtM CAT7u, for me it was better than the ENO Ag.

If you don't have a LPS for the EtherRegen your missing out.

@antigrunge2 I have a MUTEC Ref 10 on the EtherRegen and SOtM switches.

@russellrcncom I haven't seen that review,  the ENO filter is beneficial in terms of relaxing the presentation and reducing noise (better detail and blackness).  It was better than a SOtM Cat7 but not better than the Cat7u in my system.

I am hoping to see an explanation how it can change the key!