Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps

Has anybody heard them with Druid V speakers? Do you think they will have enough power? I listen to mostly jazz, but also blues, rock, and classical. My listening levels are around 75 to 95db.

Showing 50 responses by charles1dad

That is quite a letdown and I understand your disappointment after reaching an agreement for sale.  Used MK III Frankensteins will be rare for a while.
Hi Cal,
10 years elapsed between the introduction of the Frankenstein MK II and the upgrade to the MK III model. Israel Blume was always very proud of the part quality of the MK II particularly the Japanese made double C core output transformers.

The MK III is said to have even better output transformers, power supply capacitance and other parts improvement. I have no reason to doubt these stated improvements. I can however say the MK II is a marvelous SET amplifier and a tremendous value purchased used.

With money saved buying a used Frankenstein MK II, one could (If so desired) purchase upper tier quality 300b output tubes. With the appropriate speakers, one would have the foundation of a superb sounding audio system.
Hi JC,
Thanks for your kind remarks.
I’m pretty confident you will be happy with the Frankensteins in your system. At first listen to my new Franks in August 2009 I knew I’d made the right choice. Now nearly 12 years later that feeling has only grown.
Hi tswisla,
The Truth of the matter is that there’re no bad choices on your list as all are excellent options. Each of them will have their positive attributes and distinct signature. I believe that you’ll be very happy with the Psvane Acme but I also believe that you’d be very happy with any of them.

It’s good to have such wonderful choices available for the superb Frankenstein mono blocks, Congratulations on your selection and I look forward to your listening impressions. It’s good to know that the Frankenstein and Zu Soul Supremes pairing is so successful for you.
I understand your comfort in going with Israel’s recommendation as you have established a level of trust and confidence with him. I’ve never had any problems with him x 10 years, simply none. So I believe you’d be happy with his preferred Psvane.

I’d suggest getting in touch with The owner George is a very long time EML dealer and has sold them to  owners of a multitude of different 300b amplifiers. He is a source of considerable knowledge and experience. The EML XLS is just fabulous in the Frankenstein.

I agree with cal's assessment. I believe that Psvane is aiming to replicate what might be called the traditional/classic Western Electric character which is highly sought after  by  many.

Some would describe the EML sound as 'modern'/extended (less soft). I believe there is much merit to that but I do find the EML XLS to be also very engaging and maintains  an organic character (at least In my system anyway). My Takasukis were very organic and also had excellent extension at the frequency ends.


Hi tswisla,
Has the sound of your Frankensteins and Zu Soul Supremes evolved as you've acquired more burn-in/playing time?
My 6EM7 are the original ones that came with the amplifier, GE or RCA. Not exactly sure (I’m currently out of town). Which ever they are they’ve been fine and trouble free. The 6EM7 are very long lasting tubes. Mine are 10 years old. I had them tested about 2 years ago and they still tested as new. tswisla you’ll have no worries with the Frankensteins. They have been rock solid reliable while providing superb sound quality. You have the latest MK III model which is probably even better than my MK II.

At this early stage you have already recognized that the Frankenstein and Soul Supremes are a Splendid pairing. All you have to do is just enjoy your music and connect with it. Your sound will continue to improve as the amplifier’s transformers (and various parts) accumulate hours of use/burn-in. Same process is applicable to the speakers. I strongly suspect that your appreciation of your audio system with  grow as time goes by.

i believe you tswisla as it happened to me 10 years ago. If Israel likes the Psvane 300b black glass tubes I'm sure you'll be fine.


I’m using the Mullard CV 378 and as I wrote earlier there haven’t been any performance or reliability concerns. This tube and/or the 5u4gb will serve you very well. .

The KR XLS was loaned to me and as stated had excellent sound quality. I know that some KR tubes have had reliability issues and I don’t know the status of current production. I am not sure if this issue involved the XLS 300b. The early production Elrog 300b which I owned had durability problems (I had 3 pairs fail after only 4 to 5 months of use). Elrog has new ownership x about 2 years and are said to be very reliable now. I hope this is true as it’s a superb sounding tube.

The EML XLS 300b has earned a reputation for extraordinary durability and an exceptionally long lifespan. Some of their earliest versions that have gotten very heavy use are now approaching 40,000 hours without failure. This is an outstanding result. I believe that the Frankenstein can be a bit tough on 300bs but seems to present no challenge/problem for the EML XLS. I tried the EML mesh plate (beautiful sound quality) but it failed after a couple of months. It needs to be used in an amplifier with lower operating points than the Frankensteins.

It makes me happy to know that you’re getting "incredibly engaging" sound quality and realism with your Frankensteins/Soul Supreme pairing. I completely understand how you feel. Amplifiers really thrive with good quality high impedance easy load speakers (As atmosphere has  pointed out numerous times on this forum). Who knows, you may not ever return to the high power amplifier/low impedance difficult load alternative 😊.
The following tubes I’ve used and are superb in my Frankensteins.
Elrog, Takatsuki, KR XLS and EML XLS. In terms of sound quality you can’t go wrong with any of them. I’ve settled on the EML XLS. Absolutely reliable, very rugged workhorse type of tube with dynamic and authoritative yet very natural presentation.

As cal says I’m using the Mullard rectifier x the past 4 or 5 years. Excellent sound and no reliability issues.

Do you have any early listening impressions of the Frankenstein and Zu Soul Supremes formed yet?
Congratulations on acquiring the Frankenstein mono blocks. I'm happy to read that they're sounding "wonderful " in your system. I suspect the pairing with your incoming Zu Soul Supremes will be a genuine example of music listening bliss.
On  paper the Coincident Eclipse line and the Victory line of speakers had very similar specifications. In reality the Eclipse models were the easier to drive speakers. I believe that they had
1 higher ohms (load impedance).
2 Probably simpler crossover design. I can confirm the crossover in my Total Eclipse II are quite simple/minimal. The music JUST flows and fills my room when driven by the Frankensteins. One of Israel’s best speakers ever IMHO.

No question the flagship Pure Reference Extreme (PRE) is a superb speaker but requires more power than the Eclipse. Perhaps the Zu Audio speakers are more similar to the Eclipse in terms of ease of driving them. This would be fantastic for tswisla.
When you have the time I’d love to know your listening impressions of the Esoteric- Frankenstein- Zu audio chain. The Frankenstein should mate beautifully with the 16 ohm load Soul Supremes.  My Coincident Total Eclipse II are 14 ohms and are a wonderful pairing.

"Life changing revelation" I understand this reaction as it’s how I felt 10 years ago with my first listening of the Frankenstein in my home. It immediately clicked with me and was precisely what I was seeking. It is the foundation of my audio system . If you don’t mind  sharing, what comprises the rest of your system? IMO you won’t regret the direction you’ve chosen of SET/ low power simple circuit amplifier driving easy load/efficient speakers.
Congratulations on acquiring the Frankenstein MK III. I f Israel declares it an improvement of the MK II I believe him based on previous updated products from him. As you may know not every Coincident owner has been pleased with their encounters with Israel Blume even though they loved the performance of his products. I’ve enjoyed first rate treatment from him and I hope that your experiences with him are the same.

I’ve owned the Coincident Frankenstein MK II and Statement Line Stage for 10 years and as I’ve written before my joy and appreciation for them has actually grown. As long as you have an appropriate speaker match I can’t imagine that you’ll be anything but very happy with the Frankenstein. Its one of the most natural and pure sounding amplifiers I’ve ever heard. Outstanding rendering of vocal and instrumental tone/timbre/harmonic overtones. Again this assumes a proper matching speaker.

I didn’t hear the First Watt S.I.T.1 or 2. I heard the Nelson Pass D.I,Y. push pull version he designed for those desiring more power (about 35 watts per channel). I had a broken-in model in my system for several weeks. Excellent sound quality and really a terrific transistor power amplifier. Ultimately I preferred the Frankenstein. Just a bit more organic and emotional in its reproduction of music which increased the sense of realism for me. . However the push pull S.I.T. is a wonderful amplifier and would serve some systems better depending on the particular speakers in use.

As you know these preferences, SET,SS,OTL,Class D etc. are all subjective and influenced by individual circumstances and objectives. For my needs the Frankenstein has been superb and is my last amplifier.
Hi Joe,
I understand, two terrific amplifiers with their own individual strengths, both excellent overall and can be enjoyed independently. I have a loaned First Watt S.I.T. special Nelson Pass designed D.I.Y. he did in push pull for additional power (40 watts). Pure class A and ultra simple circuit.

One of the best transistor amplifiers I’ve heard up to this point. Really good sounding top to bottom, quite impressive. In direct comparison the Frankenstein is more organic, reach out and touch tactile and palpable performers are more realistic. Both amplifiers are top tier however the Frankenstein at the end of the day is more emotionally engaging. The S.I.T. conveys emotion quite well but not to the same degree.

The solid state S.I.T. has very precise imagining placement and exceptionally good separation yet the Frankenstein is the more open and nuanced of the two. It’s a really interesting comparison of different topologies and design approach.

I can imagine how good your Pass Labs XA 30.8 must sound in your system.
To be candid 90 % of my music listening is jazz which is overwhelmingly acoustic instruments and human voice.  No doubt that this favors the innate qualities of a very good 300b SET amplifier. The Frankenstein is excellent with electric blues music,  I don't listen to much rock and roll. 
For further clarification I also have the Jupiter copper foil capacitors in my Frankenstein rather than the stock Solens capacitors in the first stage coupling cap position. The 2nd stage is interstage transformer coupled. The difference between the two capacitors isn’t "hugh" but is rather noticeable and a worthwhile upgrade in my opinion.

Regarding the Mullard GZ 37 I’d say that 40 to 50 hours was sufficient. However keep in mind that you may just like another tube more than you do the Mullard . This is all so subjective when all is said and done.
Hi Joe,
I'm curious,  how often do you switch between the Pass Labs  and Frankenstein driving your Hornings? I have no doubt that the sound quality of your system is fantastic and very natural. 
Well this just goes to show that people do hear things differently and outcomes can be system and people specific. I use the Mullard GZ 37 which replaced the stock RCA rectifier tube. The Mullard has been simply excellent in my opinion.

I have owned my Frankenstein MK II for 8 years and appreciate them more than ever. Superb amplifiers with appropriate speakers.
That's understandable, my speaker is a 14 ohm load. The sound is very good with the 8 ohm tap but becomes even more dynamic,alive, engaging and dimensional when connected to the 16 ohm tap. The sense of ease and flow are increased.
Germanboxers uses this amplifier with his Zu DEF IV. Send him an audiogon email for his thoughts.He`s a very experienced listener.
With your speakers and listening levels you`ll hardly use more than one watt and very often much less power with these high sensitivity Zu Druids. My speaker is 94 db sensitive(less sensitive than yours) and volume,scale and driver control are not an issue with the Frankenstein(and I came from using a 100 watt PP tube amp).This 8 watt SET has excellent transformers and power supply design.
Hi Joe,
I`ll be glad to share my 300b tube rolling experiences with you. I`ve had the good opprotunity to hear a fair number of them.The Frankenstein is exceptionally revealing and exposes the differences quite easily.Although it is full body,natural toned and open,its not a warmish,dark or colored SET amp at all.
Your situation is a perfect example of the first watt sound quality princciple.Given the high efficiency of you speaker and preferred listening levels(which are very realistic without risking hearing loss).Much of your playing will be drawing only fractions of a watt( when you listen in the 75-85 db SPL range).The Frankenstein sounds beautiful in this low power range,very pure,organic, nuanced and completely transparent.Some amplifiers struggle in this low power region(closed in and congested).Germanboxers summed up the Frank`s attributes very well as usual.
It's good you get a chance to audition the Frankenstein. I bought mine
direct from Israel Bloom unheard prior to the purchase 4 years ago. It
worked out fine to say the least. It was love at first listen and my admiration
and joy has only grown. Good Luck.
If Israel uses the Psvane now it must be quite good (I've not heard this one). I can tell you that the EML XLS sounds fantastic in my Frankenstein. Powerful, dynamic yet very organic and involving. Likely can't go wrong with either tube.
Hi Snopro,
Congratulations on the Frankenstein purchase, I think you'll be very happy with it. The EML XLS has been an unexpected surprise for me. Yes it has a very good reputation and I thought it would sound well in my system. The result bettered my expectation, it mates beautifully with Frankenstein and is a joy to listen to . The music just flows. Vocals and everything else are reproduced wonderfully.

Snopro, the high quality 300b tubes bring out the best in the Frankenstein. These better tubes aren't cheap but honestly this amplifier is worthy of
them. Israel is a no nonsense guy and candid so I believe that the Psvane is a very good match as well. The splendid Japanese Takatsuki-TA 300b has been my very best choice for the Franks but they're so darn expensive (1800-2000 per pair). The EML at 685.00 is by no means inexpensive but relative to the Takatsuki they are.The Takatsuki is pure organic bliss with excellent dynamics and everything else thrown in. The EML is a"bit" more dynamic and not quite as organic-fluid (but surprisingly close). The EML XLS is a exceptional value for a truly premium 300b. Takatsuki is the ultimate price be dammed choice but it doesn't embarrass the EML performance, no sir!

The AVVT 32 SLis another top tube but are no longer made and very hard to find.
The Sophia Royal Princess sounds excellent in the Franks also, at 1200.00 I cant say they're better than the EML XLS.To be fair I didn't have them together at the same time to compare.
Any of these top tier tubes will allow the superb Franks to just sing toits full potential.
Hi Joe,
I purchased mine about 5 months ago (just getting around to using them recently).They came from tube the price has increased since then unfortunately. Still a bargain relatively speaking. George offers very good service, I'd buy from him again.
Joe be patient, these amps need roughly 200 hours to burn in. They will steadily open up.The tubes need some hours also.Germanboxers and I gave you our honest opinion, we both find the Franks wonderful. Too early to say but perhaps you may not feel the same. These things are impossible to predict.The First Watt amp may suit you more but I`d avoid rash judgements.If you search the archives, the Franks are nesrly always praised and admired. No component will please everyone all the time.
What were the main differences you noticed or had to accommodate /
adjust to between the First Watt(25watt SS) and the Frankenstein amplifiers
(8 watt tube) if any ? Very different designs that I find interesting.
Joe ,
Believe me I understand.I thought the Franks were"good" right off the UPS truck and they just kept improving with time.Your First Watt J2 amp is a different sound but makes a very good reference point.I moved from a 100 watt push pull tube amp, again diferent sound for sure.
Best of Luck,
Speaker tap preference is trial and error, you don't know until you try. My choice is the 16 ohm tap (more open, spacious and dynamic). My speakers are a 14 ohm load so that likely explains my results
Hi Snopro,
This is the normal break in pattern and it will continually improve, there's substantially more to come. Remember that those superb transformers Israel chose simply need sufficient time, this is a gradual process. The EML XLS tube gets better as well. This is a very neutral 300b, but you'll gain a bit more warmth with additional playing time. There are warmer 300b tubes available but the EML will reveal the true tonal color and body of instruments without embellishments. It's a great match for the Frankenstein as both are transparent, , uncolored and very honest (but not clinical at all). You'll get the pure organic character and realism without the gratuitous fluff.
I haven't changed the 6em7 tubes (not many choices available). I've tried the RCA and Sylvania rectifier tubes and there's little difference. The intriguing rectifier for me is the EML 5u4 version. Good comments are made about it but they're very expensive (they're very large tubes as well).
Hi Onemug,
I`m begining to understand your admiration for EML tubes.The more my EML XLS accumulates playing time the better it sounds, I`m truly enjoying this tube steadily more as time passes by.It`s powerful and dynamic yet has refinement and suave musical grace.
Hi Joe,
I'm glad you remained patient and allowed the Frankenstein to burn-in and
evolve as it naturally does. Those custom transformers really need time to
open up and demonstrate what they're capable of. Your overall impression
is identical to mine in that the key terms used to describe what you hear are
"natural", realism, presence and organic.

The news gets better as your Franks are going to improve further regarding
opening up , nuance, dynamics at all levels and become even more organic
and effortless in presentation.
I was very interested in your response to the Frankenstein in that your
reference was a First Watt amplifier (exceptional amp) and I knew there'd
be a different sound/presentation. The question would be which do you
prefer and which one connects/involves you more emotionally to your
music. The Frankenstein is truly a superb SET 300b amp and I'm happy to
read it worked out very well for you. You can't predict what someone else
may like regardless of how much joy a component has given you. You
have to listen and judge for yourself.
Curious, what is the ohm load of your speakers and are you using the 8 or the 16 ohm tap?
I tried both and preferred the 16 ohm tap (each requires some breah in) this will obviously vary depending on the speakers in use.
Did you audition the Decware Tori amp in your system?
Hi Joe, thanks for sharing your impressions of these two fine amps. At 150 hours your Frankenstein will gain some gradual but noticeable improvement. The Takatsuki, Sophia Royal Princess are a "bit" warmer sounding and likely so is the Psvane WE Replica. I find the EML to be an excellent top to bottom tube with exceptional drive and dynamic abilities(still organic and not analytical). It plays to the strengths of the Frank's openess, tansparency and lack of colorations. Israel really likes the Psvane so it must be very good.
Joe I'm not home right now but believe the fuse is 3 amps, slow blow and the short length version. The fuse is very essy to access on the rear of the amp.
Hi Joe,
Did you ever try different fuses in your Frankensteins? I hope the amp turned out to be what you were expecting.
"I stopped analyzing and just enjoy the music" Joe, you couldn't have summed it up any better than that. If you get the Takatsuki you'll be very pleased but I've really come to realize how good the EML XLS is. The truth is that you can't go wrong with either of these fine tubes. Regarding fuses, the Synergistic Research Quantum is an excellent replacement in the Frankenstein. Good to know the AMR works out well also.
Hi Wu,
Thanks for your impressions especially regarding the EML rectifier 5u4g. I
have thought about it but hesitated due to the cost of them .
We all hear differently as has been said many times. I really admire the
Takatsuki ( that's no secret) but in my system the EML XLS just shines and
competes with the Takatsuki closely. I don't hear the short comings you
point out. I'm happy to have both as well as the AVVT 32b. All three make
beautiful music in my Frankenstein. As far as rectifier tubes are concerned
I've used the Sylvania and RCA and didn't notice a significant difference.
Wu what speakers are you using with your Frankenstein? I've only used the
Synergistic Research Quantum fuses and they are an improvement in the
amplifier. 3 amp slow blow.
I don't believe that the 6em7 offers much in choice availability.
I thought you'd notice more organic sound from the EML as it acquired hours. It has what I'd call natural warmth rather than 'adding' warmth. The KR 300 XLS is definitely warmer but I feel that the EML XLS is the more natural and honest.
I don't question your findings in any way, we can only report what we hear.
The EML XLS and mesh were a complete joy in my system. Your system is very interesting and must sound exceptionally good. Did you move from Soulution/Dartzeel to SET? If so what's different and would you go back?
Wu and Joe,
Where did you get the Tong Sol 5u4g rectifiers, I'd like to try them.
I've used Andy before and he was fine I'll give him a call. I was under the
impression that the franks could use 5u4g or 5u4gb, I'll check that out.
TheSylvania 5931 sseems interesting as well.
You have an exceptional and unique system, you should consider postlng it in the virtual systems with pictures.
Hi Joe,
Congratulations! I have owned the Takatsuki-TAs for 2 years and loved
them immediately with my first listening encounter. I'd agree with Brf in
that by 120-150 hours they'll be fully burned in. You can genuinely enjoy
them during this process, as the sound just continues to mature and
improve. I happily rotate these Japanese gems with my EML XLS and AVVT
32b tubes. The Frankenstein MK II sings with all three of them.

Joe a subtle adjustment with your Apprentice stands may be
advantageous. In my system they increased transparency, clarity and
openness yet tone and body remained full and harmonically rich. Biggest
impact occurred with the speakers.