Coherent speakers from Canada

Anybody here own speakers from coherent? Can you tell me about your experience with them in your room?

I remember hearing the Coherent Audio room at the last TAVES where a teeny speaker was demonstrated.  It put out a rather amazingly potent, punchy and clear sound for such a small speaker.  I was intrigued.  Never heard the big speakers, though.
This is an old topic, but I wanted to let folks know that the Coherent website has moved, you can now find it at

I just sold a pair to another Oregonian. :)


Can someone buy the Coherents for sale on USAM today (7/17/24) and review them? They look really interesting but I shake in my boots when I think of this kind of tweeter in my ear. Most that have heard them seem to like them. 

I've had conversations with the owner and he seems to get it too. Need to hear them some day or at least hear from someone that can compare them to speakers I know. Thanks in advance!