CES 2003 - Any Audition/Picture Requests?


My dad and I are about to make our annual trip to CES and decided we would try something new this year. We will of course be visiting with those manufacturers we already represent, but we are also always looking for additional lines to pick up. So, in addition to those we already plan on visiting, feel free to let us know about products you are interested in and would like us to check out for you. We will do our best to give you an objective and fair opinion of what we heard/saw (let us know if you want pics also, as we will have a digital camera with us).

Of course, feel free to let us know if you think this is a stupid idea (probably wouldn't be the first) ;-)

Best Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio
do check out VMPS's new RMx---lots of hype here, it'd be interesting to know if its true.
Cool idea. I wont be able to make the trip this year, but here are some rooms/products that I know I would want to visit:
- new Vandersteen 5A's
- Meadowlark Blue Heron 2's
- Herron/ Joseph Audio Pearl room
- Triangle's new flagship speaker
- whats up with Wadia?
- ayre and mccorormack are supposed to show SACD/DVD-A/CD players
- Innersound Eros Mk 3

Thanks and good luck. Pics are up to you.
Tim, i'll be there with my digital camera....i understand that Don and Bill are coming too. it is too bad you aren't coming.....maybe next year or maybe the Stereophile Show in SF in June.

i have a hard time always remembering to take pictures......somehow it seems like work then.....but i'll do my best. and then taking a few notes in each room so later i can keep my perceptions a little straight.
Mike- Sounds great! I am a little bummed that I can't make it out this year, but work still comes before playing- I need to get my priorities straight!