CDP Repair or Replace? Seeking advice Please

First, thank you for your kind response!
I own what may now be considered a vintage CDP, it is a Cambridge AZUR 840C which I primarily use as a DAC streaming TIDAL. I also have a SONY SCD-2000ES SACD player connected via COAX to it to play CD's. Well, the AZUR transport coughed up a furball and will not spin a disk, which sounded better than the Sony connection. I called a dealer and they said it would cost about $300 to repair it, I asked about (not that I have the coin) upgrading to the AZUR 851C and they were quite emphatic that my $ would be best spent repairing the 840C, they did not try to sell me anything else, again, just spend the $300. Question is, what would you do? Thanks!
mr_m241 posts04-13-2017 12:01amGeorge. Is that Sanyo laser the same one used in the newer Cambridge 851C???
Yes just to confirm all the Azures except for two use this laser/mech and the fist one one azur340c used either, I'd say it was a MkI and MkII



KSS-213C / SF-P101N



Sanyo SF-P101N



Sanyo SF-P101N


1 x WM8716

Sony KSS-213C


1 x WM8740

Sanyo SF-P101N


1 x WM8740

Sanyo SF-P101N


1 x WM8740

Sony KSS-213C


2 x WM8740

Sanyo SF-P101N


2 x WM8740

Sanyo SF-P101N


2 x WM8742

Sanyo SF-P101N


2 x WM8740 + Anagram Upsampler

Sanyo SF-P101N


2 x AD1955A + Anagram Upsampler

Sanyo SF-P101N


2 x AD1955A + Anagram Upsampler

Sanyo SF-P101N

Cheers George

"Is that Sanyo laser the same one used in the newer Cambridge 851C???"
@mr_m ,

Yes, both use the Sanyo SF-P101N.


George. Is that Sanyo laser the same one used in the newer Cambridge 851C???
If you need a CD player , replace the one you have.  They wear out having moving parts.  A very very costly one well that would be a different story, it comes down to wear you draw the line.

I agree with George.  buy a working new or used Sanyo mechanism and replace it.  It is not difficult at all to replace the drive mechanism, and that definitely appears to be the problem.

I don't understand the logic of buying a new unit when you are happy with your existing unit.  It is a computer drive.  When the drive fails, replace the drive.

Especially if you are happy with the sound of this unit.

Why spend extra money if you don't have to.

I bought a used Naim Unitserve music server recently.  The drive mechanism read one disc and didn't read others. It also ejected disc about two feet.  Funny.

The existing drive was a Teac DW-224SS-W93 drive built in 4/2010.

I contacted Teac and they told me the replacement drive is a DV-W28SS-VM3.  So I bought one and replaced the old unit.

I also opened the old unit and cleaned the lens and lubed the moving parts and it worked much better.  Its not rocket science.

The unit works great now.


why are you thinking of messing with the laser?

OP "Well, the Cambridge AZUR transport coughed up a furball and will not spin a disk, which sounded better than the Sony connection."

Why not for $10 lousy bucks? Is it taboo to fix things yourself around here? The old ones rats**t anyway so can't be damaged any more. 
It’s literally a few screws and a couple of connectors to replace it. (No adjusting to be done)

Cheers George

I think just buy good oppo player, very few tech knows how fix cdp, I have my Sony 9000es modwright 3k, send to repair shop, it looks like , they won't be able to fix, so I bought SACD marantz and Yamaha SACD way to go if you have the budget, you get new technology .
Hi, jafant. I think I paid around $450 for the Sony SCD-2000ES. It turned out to be an absolute steal. Not only does it hold 5 disks, it plays hybrid SACD's and has both TOSLINK and COAX outputs for playing CD's on an external DAC. In terms of SQ, it gives my Cambridge a run for the money, of course, the Cambridge is better (except for SACD where the Sony edges out the Cambridge). Using it as a transport connected to my cambridge for playing CD's it does the job, but the Cambridge sounded better playing CD's with it's own transport. I think after reading all of these posts, and the fact that most of my listening now is through TIDAL, I'm going to save my $ and time and Use the Cambridge as a DAC. If and when the Cambridge dies, or when I can afford an upgrade, I'll replace it at that time.
I agree with all the people who are saying that if you only use it as a DAC, why are you thinking of messing with the laser?  If you think the Sony is a poor transport (why?), you can probably get a DVD or BRP as an alternative transport for a lot less than $300
I think the 840C is well worth the $300.00 repair if you are planning to use it for CD playback.  If as a DAC only with another transport, why bother now?

I am confused if you are only using it as a DAC why bother with a new laser etc. ?. Unless that assembly has the DAC in it? Like many others have said there are many new DACs to choose from or just use the Sony for discs.
Mr. George,
Thanks for the link! I think I will start by opening the unit and reseating connectors and looking for anything questionable.

Thanks to all for your help and suggestions!

Doesn't the 840 have digital inputs?  I love the sound from it.  Keep using the sony as a transport.  
Your  Cambridge AZUR 840C has a  Sanyo SF-P101N  laser/mech in it.
They cost under $10usd for the whole mech with laser, if you have just a little mechanical knowledge they take around 1/2hr to 1hr to install with no adjustments needed, $300usd is a ripoff, do it your self.

Cheers George 

Cambridge AZUR 840C  is supposed to be a nice (mid-fi) player but if I was in your shoes, then I would probably sell it in ebay as defective and bought Denafrips ARES for $600 + $50 shipping.
You can use your Sony as a transport and have a real high-end DAC for cheap. I just bought one for my smart TV and it is just crazy what you will get for the money.
I don`t say that it is better than my reference player but it is way, way more than you will get from some $2000 to $5000 DAC/players. And yes I have owned quite a bit of digital from this price range plus some up to 20K.

If you like the sound of the 840c, get it fixed. However, if you haven't already, you might want to take off the cover and see if you see any obvious problems you may be able to remedy yourself before sending it out for service.
Why not get a dedicated DAC if you have the Sony?
If so, I would get an Ayre Codex or a Schiit Gungnir or Yggy. They can accomodate the Sony as well as stream Tidal from (I assume) your PC.
From what I've read about both Cambridge players, they have different sonic profiles.  The 840C often characterized as sounding highly resolved and warm whereas the 851C has been said to have a cooler, drier sound.  So I would recommend repairing the 840C or perhaps looking into a Marantz player which will have a similar sound profile as the 840C.

To be very clear, all of what I'm saying here is based on what I have read not experienced.  
All the best!