Cartridge with broken coil wire


I have a Miyabi standard that needs repair. There are 2 fine wires that have be broken where they connect to the output pins. I was told not all retippers will be able to resolder these delicate wires. Could anyone suggest a retipper/repairer that can undertake this task?

I am nor sure whether this was a coincidence or not, but this damage was done about a week after i used the degauss function on my Vida phono stage.

I am based in Australia 

Dear @leicachamp : The @mofimadness is a good option and here you can see that this re-tipper can re-coil, as a fact you can see a picture on a Koetsu recoil job:

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

There are different ways to judge about ''sense and nonsense'' of

whatever advice in this forum. All will assume some criterion.

My will be counting while the involved advice is to not solder

the coil wire becausse of (destructive?) influence of ''soldering

points'' on the ''pureness'' of the (thiny) signal.

We have first 4 coil wire which need to be soldered on the 4

cart connectors. Then the cart need to be connected with 8

soldered clips on the headshell wire (=12). The headshell

than need to be connected with 4 soldered connectors on

the tonearm wire at the front side and then those 4 wire need

to be solded to the (female) Din 5 connector at the opposite

side (=20). Then we have the phono-cable with (male)

Din 5 connector on one side and, say, two RCA connectors

on the other side(=28). We should not count the ground wire

 nor the soldered input connectors on the amp .side.

However the expert from Mexico forget to mention where his

advice to get new coils for the Miyabi can be ordered.

Any suggestions for a full recoil service? I would expect it would be a pricey exercise.

I don't think Peter, (SoundSmith) does coil repair. I thought these guys do, but now i'm not sure:

I've used both and had fantastic luck with each.

Thanks Raul and Stringreen, I was concerned with that issue since I do have that cart in my rotation and do use the Cardas Album to digauss as well as the Aesthetix A CD-1 MC Demagnetizer and have had no issues that I can detect to this point.
I agree with Raul......these connections/coils are very thin and you don't want to zap them.  Some cartridge manufacturers say its ok, but if you don't have their ok........

The only remanufacturer I know is Soundsmith in New York, USA.
Dear @tooblue : Degaussin a LOMC cartridge always is a risk because the coil wires are tinner than a human been hair.

Degaussin can burn in the coil wire. Sometimes happens and sometimes not depending on the degaussin intensity. Seems to me that the OP degausser is not a safe one and I think he can make a claim to the Vida manufacturer because that item was the culprit. Maybe that function in that Vida phono stage sample is working bad, any way it's a manufacturer responsability and he must pay for the @op cartridge damage.

Best is not use degaussin with LOMC cartridges, at least not with that phono stage.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Soundsmith would be my first call. I also have a Mayabi Standard and what a special cart it is.
I was hoping somebody would address the OPs thoughts that the degaussing function of his Vida phono stage could have contributed to the problem. Is this at all possible? If so please explain.
Dear @leicachamp:  It's not convenient to re-solder if those ones are the coil wires that needs ( is a must to. ) to go direct solder it to the output pins with no additional junction in between.

Any single additional junction in the coil wires makes a very high degradation to the critical and sensitive audio signal. The coil wires is the worst place to make something as you and other suggested.

The Miyabi level deserves a full re-coil, at least that's what I will do if I were you.

If you don't care to much on the cartridge quality performance levels then you can send to re-solder it.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Northwest analogue in UK is the only ''retipper'' willing to

''mess'' with the coils. They invented some machine for the

coils. However in your case any retipper should be able to

(re)solder the wire which are broken ''outside'' of the coil. This

means that the (broken) wire is reachable without the need to

remove the coils from the so called ''joint pipe''.

Northwest site: