Cartridge Tonearm compatibility

I need some help calculating cartridge/tonearm compatibility. I am considering building a DIY turntable. I have purchased a Maglev table and a Jasmin motor from China on ebay. I am currently building a custom plinch and arm-board.I have purchased a Jelco SA750E tonearm. I am considering a Dynavector XX2MKII cartridge. I have looked at resonant frequency calculators but quite frankly they are above my knowladge. Would the Dynavector XX2MKII be a good match for the Jelco SA750E. The tonearm mass is 13.26gr. The cartridge weight is 8.9 gr and the cartridge compliance is 10 mm/N.
If you put in the information, this calculation chart will show you what the resonance frequency will be for the arm and cartridge. Between 8 and 14 hz should be fine!

Would the Dynavector XX2MKII be a good match for the Jelco SA750E. The tonearm mass is 13.26gr. The cartridge weight is 8.9 gr and the cartridge compliance is 10 mm/N.

This is a compliance at 100Hz
You need a compliance at 10Hz or all your calculations will be wrong. 

To convert 100Hz to 10Hz you have to multiply on 1.7
So the actual dynamic compliance of your Dynavector is 17 cu ! 

Use 17cu when you calculate tonearm/cartridge resonance. 

Can you believe, I built this turntable and never once considered any of that technical mumbo jumbo?
No, It's not the levitating platter table but the spindle bearing is a Maglev design using magnets to suspend the linear bearing surfaces.
Thanks for all the comments. But can anyone do the calculations for me. I just don't get it.

This makes it easy if you have the arm effective mass and the cartridge compliance at 10Hz you only have compliance at 100Hx multiplty that by 1.7 and you'll be close enough or halve static compliance if that's what you know.

Gary, forget about the math. Get a Hi Fi News test record and see what the actual resonance frequency is. I suspect you might have to add a little weight to the head shell. So, you add weight until you get the actual resonance frequency below 10 but above 8 Hz both vertically and horizontally.
Gary, you can read this thread first, maybe you don’t have to worry about.
Jelco is a mid mass arm and Dyna is a mid compliance (17cu @ 10Hz) cartridge. It should be fine!
In my opinion online calculation is always wrong, you can do that with Hi-Fi Test LP
Thank you everyone. I'll stop worrying about it. And I do have the Hi-Fi Test LP. Just need to learn how to use it.