Cartridge Recommendations

I would appreciate any recommendations for a phono cartridge around $300.00 to 750.00.
I presently have a Pro-Ject 1-xpression lll TT, Sumiko Blue Point #2 cartridge (ready for retirement). a Speed Box 2 and Kimber TAK CU cable. I mostly listen to classical music with an emphasis on opera.  
Thank you,
Try Victor X-1IIe with Titanium Pipe Cantilever on your turntable.
Audio-Technica AT-ML150 OCC (with Beryllim cantilever and Gold-Plated MicroLine tip) is another great option. Both carts are MM and both are mid compliance. Exactly in your price range. A friend is using high compliance Stanton 881s mkII on his pro-ject after reading this article. Compared to the stock Ortofon, that was mounted on his pro-ject TT, this vintage Stanton rules. I prefer Audio-Technica, probably best value, super high-tech materials (stylus, cantilever, coil wire etc), great sound! You can't go wrong with mid compliance carts for your tonearm. 
Thanks for the recommendations .
I will try to listen to the Hana. 
I'm not sure about vintage cartridges, so chakster is there a new AudioTechnica that you would recommend.
Brad, the link is very helpful. Thanks.
Just heard a Nagaoka MP-200 that I thought was excellent. Any owners that wish to share findings? 
You can't go wrong with the Hana. They make superb cartridges. Also, the AT VM760 is s fine choice. 
I have a Hana SL and a Nagaoka MP-500 (the top of the line).  I haven't tried them both on the same table, but the Hana is a favorite for me and compares nicely with some other higher end MC carts I have.
I will try to listen to the Hana.
I'm not sure about vintage cartridges, so chakster is there a new AudioTechnica that you would recommend.

Hanna is made by Excel Sound Corporation, they made so many cartridges in the 70's/80's for other American and Japanese brands, and i have some of them. I just don't know why do you need an MC cartridge if your budget is so low? 

Regarding the vintage carts it is not a problem since they are NOS or MINT- condition, and we're talking about vintage from the 80's. The cost is lower and the quality is higher, you can't buy an equal modern cartridge at the price of those vintage ones. Simply because new cartridges are mostly overpriced from the start even if there is no such materials like Boron, Beryllium or even Titanium (for cantilevers) and the stylus tip is also nothing special and can't be compared to the AT's MicroLine, this is marketing. Did you notice than some people are still raving about Denon design from the 60's, there is nothing changed in DL-103 since the 60's for example, it is just a vintage cartridge produced today.  

Modern AT is ART-9 or ART-7, but it's MC, not MM, and the price is higher than your suggested range. 

AT made absolutely killer MM carts when MM was a king, it was in the 70's/80's, but no more. 

Nagaoka still making those MM (like MP-500) almost identical to what they made in the 70's and 80's, just for higher price. In the 70's it was MP-50, now it's MP-500, but it's the same cartridge. They also made same cartridges under Jeweltone brand for Japanese market and the equal to the modern Nagaoka MP-500 is Jeweltone MP-50. The rest is just marketing. Back in the day we had so many competitors on MM territory, not like today. This is the reason why vintage MM and MI from the golden age are highly regarded today. 

P.S. You can also look for new SoudSmith MI cartridges, but even his company made all those Bang & Olufsen back in the 70's. So it is really nothing new. Watch his lecture here, it's very interesting.  


Dear @edkc : Yes, the Hana is way better that what its price says. Go for it, can't go wrong with.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Here is an Excel Sound factory tour, this is the actual manufacturer of Hanna, watch it and then think if you need such cartridge. There are so many things looks very strange in this video, just sayin'